December 2020
- 27: Anniversaries (1)
- 26: A Weird Christmas (0)
- 24: Christmas Eve (0)
- 20: so many movies (2)
- 13: end of vacation, end of year (0)
- 08: Vacation, I guess (1)
November 2020
- 29: The Holiday Season (0)
- 29: Blogging vs. blog setups (0)
- 28: audiobooks, comics, and iOS apps (1)
- 21: audiobook management madness (2)
- 19: distractions (0)
- 15: the rest of the year (1)
- 12: The second wave, and other bad news (0)
- 11: more on long-term reminders (0)
- 10: managing long-term reminders (2)
- 09: sick again (1)
- 08: A Weird Week (1)
- 04: Stuck In The Mud With SPFx (0)
- 04: The Morning After (0)
October 2020
- 31: Halloween Blues (0)
- 27: Splendid isolation (0)
- 24: Afternoon Walk (0)
- 23: Evernote, and Apple, and other stuff (0)
- 21: Evernote changes (1)
- 19: still fiddling with Apple Music (1)
- 18: Con crud, NYCC, Picard, Apple Music, and other distractions (1)
- 16: Apple Music (1)
- 11: NYCC, days three and four (1)
- 09: NYCC day two (0)
- 08: NYCC day one (2)
- 03: NYCC, masks, and other stuff (0)
- 02: Bruce Springsteen (0)
- 01: COVID Alert NJ (0)
September 2020
- 30: Weird Al on the presidential debate (0)
- 24: NJ MVC, IFTTT, RSS, and other acronyms (0)
- 23: performance tuning surprises (0)
- 22: Trying to debug a .NET Core app as a different user (1)
- 20: Sunday stuff, and Legend of Korra (0)
- 18: sick day, more Buffy comics (1)
- 15: Calling a SOAP WCF web service from .NET Core (2)
- 13: six months (0)
- 07: tinkering with WordPress (0)
- 07: Labor Day (1)
- 02: almost the end of summer (1)
August 2020
- 24: Somerville news (0)
- 20: PowerShell profiles and prompts and other command-line stuff (0)
- 20: WordPress syntax highlighting (1)
- 18: Five months and counting (1)
- 11: Comic Book news, good and bad (0)
- 09: Comfort Food (0)
July 2020
- 26: Comic-Con@Home, day four (2)
- 25: Comic-Con@Home, day three (0)
- 24: Comic-Con@Home, day two (1)
- 23: Comic-Con@Home, day one (1)
- 22: getting ready for Comic-Con @ Home (0)
- 15: Audible adventures (1)
- 14: thinking about Comic-Con (0)
- 14: moving and resizing windows in AutoHotKey (0)
- 09: Comic-Con @ Home (1)
- 08: physical media and lockdown anxiety (1)
- 01: still learning React (0)
June 2020
- 25: more odds and ends (0)
- 23: CBLDF (0)
- 20: odds and ends (0)
- 20: Warren Ellis (2)
- 18: Hey, and Fastmail, and the app store (0)
- 18: new Lenovo laptop (1)
- 14: SharePoint, React, Laptops, and so on (2)
- 12: a day off (0)
- 08: protests in Somerville (0)
- 06: Yet another week (0)
- 05: SharePoint, Somerville, and so on (0)
- 04: SharePoint, social distancing, civil unrest, and so on (2)
May 2020
- 30: Another week down (1)
- 25: A Quiet Memorial Day (1)
- 23: Memorial Day Weekend (2)
- 08: Still staying at home (0)
- 06: War and Peace (0)
- 03: ready for May (0)
- 02: exhausted (1)
- 01: still here, still home. (1)
April 2020
- 25: Six weeks in (0)
- 12: Easter Sunday (0)
- 04: worrying about comics (0)
March 2020
- 29: work from home, week two, done (0)
- 21: work from home, week one, done (0)
- 17: working from home, day two (1)
- 14: today’s Coronavirus post (0)
- 13: one more Coronavirus post (2)
- 12: More Coronavirus News (0)
- 05: Coronavirus News (1)
February 2020
- 29: Comics, Cons, and COVID-19 (1)
- 29: Andrew Weatherall (0)
- 29: Freeman Dyson (0)
- 24: Larry Tesler (0)
- 23: The last 20 years of comics follow-up (0)
- 21: The last 20 years of comics (1)
- 09: Software and subscriptions and stuff (0)
January 2020
- 30: more frog boiling (0)
- 05: The boiling frog (2)
- 05: Somerset County changes (0)
- 01: New Year’s Day 2020 (1)