I blogged back in January that I was going to give meditation a try this year. I got off to a slow start with that, then pretty much gave up on it back in April or thereabouts. Well, I’m going to try again.
I still have two books on meditation waiting to be read: 10% Happier and Search Inside Yourself. (The Great American Read group that I’m in on Goodreads has really sidetracked all my other reading.)
I was using the Meditation Studio app (mentioned in my January post) to try to learn meditation, and I guess I’m going to pick back up on that. I had finished their starter series, and am now partway through the meditation essentials series. My short-term goal is to do one meditation from that series every weeknight this week. We’ll see how that goes.
I’ve noticed that Meditation Studio was recently acquired by the company that makes the Muse headband, which worries me a little. Muse seems like a bit of a gimmick, while Meditation Studio seems like more of a serious no-nonsense app. So we’ll see if they keep the app as-is, or mess it up.
I still haven’t signed up for a paid subscription to the app. As a legacy customer, I can subscribe for $24/year. (The regular rate right now is $50/year.) Some of the more popular meditation apps, like Headspace, cost around $100/year. (You’d think an app that just helps you sit quietly for a few minutes wouldn’t need to be so expensive…) I should probably hold off on paying for anything until I see if I can stick with it for more than a few days.
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