New York Comic Con started today, and there’s already a lot of buzz about it on Twitter and elsewhere. Even The New Yorker is getting in on the action.
I missed out on getting a full four-day pass this year, so I decided to skip the con entirely. (I could probably have gotten a single-day ticket for Sunday, but I wasn’t really that interested.) But right now, I’m thinking it would have been nice to have gotten that four-day ticket, and have taken today and tomorrow off, and have a nice four-day weekend in the city. On the other hand, I’m suffering from some backache and headache issues right now, so it’s probably for the best that I didn’t spend the day trudging around the Javits Center, carrying a backpack full of comics.
There’s a lot of stuff on sale right now at Comixology, related to NYCC, which you can see at this Oktoberfest page. I will likely be spending some money on digital comics this weekend, though I probably shouldn’t. But hey, it’s the best of both worlds, right? Cheap comics, and I don’t have to carry them around with me all day.