Wizard World Philly

I went to Wizard World Philly yesterday. It was a pretty good con, but I’ve gotten so used to San Diego that nothing really compares. I bought some neat things, including a few of the Marvel Essentials volumes — Avengers 1 and 2, and Marvel Team-Up 1. I’ve been in a Silver Age mood lately. I also got a chance to see the first couple of episodes of Captain Herlock. This may be another anime series that I need to add to my want list, although I should really stop buying anime until I’ve watched all the stuff I’ve got already.


I picked up the first volume of The Complete Peanuts a few days ago. The early stuff is great. I scanned in my favorite strip so far. (Hopefully, the Schultz estate won’t mind.) It’s a beautifully designed book, and the strips are wonderful. I doubt I’ll be buying the whole run — it’ll take 25 volumes over 12 years — but I’m probably in for the next few, at least.

San Diego

I just noticed that Mile High Comics has a bunch of pictures from San Diego up on their web site, including a nice picture of the mile-long line to get in on Saturday. (Always buy advance tickets, unless you like waiting in line for many hours!) I’ve been looking around for a reliable total attendance figure for Comic-Con this year, but I haven’t found one. I heard 65,000 from one guy, but that was probably just a guess. CBR says maybe 70 to 80,000. (More here.)

For comparison, SIGGRAPH 2003, also in San Diego, had about 27,000, according to SignOnSanDiego. And the big Phish shindig in Maine last week, at Loring Air Force Base, hit around 60,000, according to the NY Times.

Oh, and hey, you wanna buy about 10 hours of Phish for $30? Click here. Downloading it all would be a hassle, of course.