I’ve got some time to kill this morning, so I might as well write up another con report. As I mentioned yesterday, I decided to skip the con in the morning, and went to the Met instead. I saw the new Delacroix exhibit, then killed some time having a coffee and reading a book.
Then I went to the NY Historical Society for the Harry Potter exhibit. I had some time before my scheduled entry time, so I wandered around the museum a bit. I’d never been there before, so that was worthwhile. The History of Magic exhibit itself was very crowded. They were letting only ticketed people in, at their appropriate time, but it seems like maybe they were a little overly optimistic about how quickly people would get through it. I think that, if there’s a chance to see it when the crowds are more manageable, it would be pretty fun. The NY Times review, in fact, mentions a number of interesting items that I didn’t notice at all. (Oh, and the gift shop was almost as big as the exhibit itself. Lots of crazy Harry Potter paraphernalia for sale.)
After that, I went to the con. I didn’t do much, really. I just walked the floor a bit and checked out Artist’s Alley. I saw Peter David there, and said hello, and bought a signed Zorro novel from him. I went back to the hotel to grab some dinner and clean up a bit, then went back to Javits for the DC All-Stars panel. That was fun. I went back to the hotel after that and just watched a couple of Doctor Who episodes on my iPad, then went to bed at 9:30pm. (Yeah, I’m getting too old for this stuff.)
I don’t have much of a plan for today (Saturday). There are enough interesting panels today that I’ll probably spend the whole day at the con. I’m not sure how I’m going to get back to the hotel afterward, since the 7 line will be shut down and I haven’t had much luck catching cabs around Javits so far. So I’m liable to walk back to the hotel again, which I’ve done a few times already, and isn’t horrible, but it’s definitely a bit painful. (Again, I’m getting too old…)