I’m still working on migrating from Gmail to FastMail. Since the last time I blogged about this, I’ve migrated nearly all of my online accounts over, and have converted from a trial to a paid subscription.
I have several problem accounts that I haven’t switched over yet, including some that don’t provide any way to change your email address, and some that do, but where it doesn’t seem to work. So I have to write some emails to various support addresses and see what I can do to straighten those ones out.
I’m keeping the inbox of the new account pretty clean. I’ve set up rules to move most incoming messages directly into folders, where I can more easily manage them. I just counted, and I have a little over 50 rules set up so far. (I could probably cut that number down if I got a little clever about it.)
Meanwhile, I’ve been trying to catch up on the backlog of stuff in my Gmail “read/review” folder. I file certain newsletters away into that folder automatically, and I’ve let myself fall way behind. Here are a few notes on a few of my favorite newsletters.
I’ve really been enjoying Warren Ellis’ Orbital Operations newsletter. He puts it out once a week, usually, and it contains a lot of stuff about his own writing projects, plus little reviews and pointers to other people’s books, comics, and music. I’ve added a bunch of books to my Amazon wish list based on his recommendations.
I’ve been subscribing to TidBITS for a long time. It’s been around for more than 25 years. It’s a weekly newsletter about all things Apple. There are plenty of Apple news blogs, and some of them are very good, but TidBITS is a great resource and has some great in-depth articles that you won’t find anywhere else.
The tor.com newsletter is another one of my favorites. A lot of their articles are fluff, honestly, but they publish one or two new pieces of fiction each week, and some of those are really good.
I also subscribe to several NY Times and New Yorker newsletters, and I pick up a lot of good articles from those. David Allen’s GTD newsletter is pretty good too.
As I work my way through my “read/review” backlog, I save longer articles to Instapaper to read later. Which means that, to some extent, I’m just shifting my backlog from email to Instapaper. But at least I’m separating wheat from chaff and saving only the “good stuff” to Instapaper.
I’m down to about 250 messages left in read/review in Gmail. But the read/review folder in FastMail is starting to fill up now, and will likely hit 100 messages by the end of this week. I think I may need to cut back on the number of NY Times and New Yorker newsletters I’m getting.