Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Harry Potter and the Cursed ChildHarry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was cautiously optimistic about this book. It’s a script to a play, not a novel, and it’s not solely written by Rowling, so it could have been a flop. Or it could have been a good play that doesn’t read well independent of the stage production. Or it could have taken the characters off in a direction that I didn’t like.

But it is actually quite a good story, and it holds up well as a book. I found it easy to read, and didn’t find the format distracting at all. Lots of familiar characters appear, some briefly and some in major roles. The 40-year-old versions of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny are all believable and recognizable.

I read through the whole book today. I found myself quite absorbed in it. And I find myself wanting to read more about the adventures of Albus and Scorpius.

View all my reviews

Grant Morrison’s Action Comics

I just finished reading Grant Morrison’s Action Comics run. (He wrote the first eighteen issues of the New 52 Action Comics relaunch, starting in 2011.) As with a lot of his work, it’s a bit overwhelming. There’s a good review of the run here, and an “exit interview” with Grant Morrison about his run here.

I really liked the Rags Morales art, especially in the early issues. The simple design of his costume (t-shirt, jeans, and work boots) works better than I thought it would. And Morales and Morrison made a conscious choice to reference the look of the earliest Superman stories from the 30s, in terms of the way the character moves and interacts with his environment.

The narrative goes a little crazy, fairly early. It almost seems like Morrison just had a short attention span or something. But pretty much everything ties together in the end. The “fifth dimensional” aspect of the story explains the time jumps and the seeming lack of connection between some of the stories.

This series makes a good counterpoint to his All-Star Superman series. That one featured a more mature Superman, influenced by the Silver Age Superman comics. This series is more about the Golden Age Superman.

If you wanted to pick up the series, it’s completely contained in the first three of these Action Comics trade paperbacks. It’s definitely not a story for everyone. You need to be able to appreciate Morrison’s oddball approach, and be OK with a somewhat non-linear narrative. And it helps to have a good sense of humor about some of the more ridiculous aspects of Superman’s history.

SDCC Preview Night and other nerdy stuff

There’s plenty of SDCC coverage up at the San Diego Union-Tribune site. Tonight is preview night. I’d love to be there, but alas I am here in NJ instead.

There’s an outdoor IMAX premiere showing of Star Trek Beyond tonight that would have been fun to go to, but I probably wouldn’t have been able to get a ticket for that, even if I was at the con.

I bought the “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition)” Blu-Ray today. I haven’t seen the movie yet, and I may regret buying it instead of renting it. Reviews are mixed. Now I just need to find a three-hour block when I can sit down and watch the thing. I think I’m probably going to have to watch it in two (or three) sittings. I want to go into it with a positive attitude too, so I might need to have to have a beer (or two) before I start watching.

Comic-Con HQ

I signed up for Comic-Con HQ today. It’s a paid video streaming service that’s a co-venture of San Diego Comic-Con and Lionsgate. In theory, they should be streaming panels and stuff from Comic-Con this weekend. The service costs $5 per month, and it doesn’t look like there’s really much content up there, so I may cancel the subscription pretty quickly after the con is over. The sign-up process said it was a 30-day trial, but then it said the first billing would be July 25th, so I’m not even sure about the trial period.

In addition to the content from the con, they’ve got some original shows that (in theory) will be releasing new episodes regularly. Plus some random old movies and TV shows. It doesn’t really seem like enough to justify $5 every month.

A number of the shows look to be similar to stuff that was on the old G4 channel, or some of the stuff from Revision3 (before they got bought out). There are a few interesting people showing up. Chris Gore and Robert Meyer Burnett were guests on a movie-related show that I started watching, for instance. The stuff I’ve watched so far seems kind of cheesy, but I haven’t watched much. And their news shows seem to focus on film, TV, and games, with little to no coverage of actual comic books, so that’s a bit disappointing.

I’m wondering if they’ve got enough infrastructure to keep the site up during the actual con, when (I assume) a lot of people will be signing up for trial accounts and trying to watch panels. It’ll be interesting to see how that works out.

Right now, you can watch the content through a web browser or an iOS app. It looks like the iOS app is iPhone and iPad only; I couldn’t find a version for Apple TV, which would have been nice.

You can buy a subscription to the service through their website, or as an “add-on” to Amazon Prime Video. The Amazon option was tempting, since that would have let me watch it via the Amazon app on my TiVo (I assume). But I went the direct route for now and signed up on their site.

I’m really wishing I could be at Comic-Con this weekend, but watching some coverage on the internet is as close as I’m going to get this year.

finishing up with the Legion

I just finished reading the last of the stack of Legion of Super-Heroes comics that I started reading a few weeks ago. The last issue I read was Legion 63, the final issue in Paul Levitz’s long run, and the final issue of the Baxter series. I really enjoyed reading these, though things got a little dicey near the end.

When Keith Giffen came back on the title, with issue 50, a lot of stuff about it started to change. The final storyline, The Magic Wars, was fun to read, but is obviously starting to set up stuff for the new “Five Years Later” post-Levitz series. So a lot of the charm of the earlier Levitz/LaRoque run was gone by then, with several characters departing or getting killed off, new uniforms, and other late 80s / early 90s stuff creeping in. I find Keith Giffen’s art to be interesting, but often frustrating, and likewise I’m also often frustrated with books that he’s plotted or co-written.

I really admire Paul Levitz’s long run on this book. He wrote the book for about ten years straight, pretty much all through the 80s. I don’t remember exactly when I started buying the Legion book, but it was fairly early in his run, just before the Great Darkness Saga started. So, a very good time for an impressionable teenage superhero and science fiction fan to start reading that book. Levitz was great at juggling the large cast of characters in the Legion, bringing different characters in and out of the spotlight, matching them up with each other in different and interesting ways, and just generally keeping the whole gigantic space opera of it running for so long.

I recently discovered a podcast about the Legion, that is currently talking about some of the books I’ve just finished with. It’s called the Legion of Substitute Podcasters. It’s pretty geeky and a bit rambling, but it’s fun to listen to, if you have the time and the interest. I’ve also found an episode of another podcast that talks about Levitz’s run. I haven’t listened to it yet, but I’ve got it bookmarked. It’s kind of cool that people are still talking about these books.

Well, that was a fun trip into some old comics nostalgia. I feel like I need to read something contemporary and/or high-brow next, though I’m not sure I’m ready for high-brow. So maybe just the first few issues of Civil War II or some of the DC Rebirth stuff that I’ve been picking up at the comic shop.

Neverwinter Nights and Windows 10

I got off to a pretty good start with Neverwinter Nights over the last few days. I got it working reasonably well under Windows 10 on my ThinkPad, played through the tutorial, and got started on the first “chapter.”

I had a little trouble with the ThinkPad last night though, so I decided to do some troubleshooting. Which was probably a bad idea, since it led me down a rat-hole that I’m only just now (mostly) dug out of. I won’t get into too much detail, but I discovered that I hadn’t successfully installed any Windows Updates since April. I eventually figured out that this tip from SuperUser fixed things and allowed me to get back on the update bandwagon again. But then there was so much stuff to update, I had to just leave the laptop running all day. (Which is fine, since I was going to GS Comic Fest anyway.) So, after that was all done, I appear to have an up-to-date Windows 10 install, ready (I hope) for the coming Anniversary Update.

But then I found that Neverwinter Nights didn’t work anymore. So, after a bunch of flailing around with settings on that, I finally gave up and uninstalled it, then reinstalled it. Then, tweaked a bunch of parameters. And now I think I have that working again.

At some point in this process, I also uninstalled Norton Anti-Virus. I don’t think Norton was the cause of any of my problems, but it seemed like a possible culprit, so I removed it. Now, I’m not sure if I want to add it back or not. I only have about a month to go on my current subscription. Recent news indicates that maybe Norton isn’t such a good choice right now, having “multiple critical vulnerabilities” according to a researcher at Google.

My desktop PC is running McAfee, which came pre-installed, and I haven’t (yet) decided to remove it. I can also get a free version of McAfee from my internet provider, so I maybe I should put that on the ThinkPad. But I’ve never been a big fan of McAfee, so I’m not sure about that. Maybe I’ll just stick with Windows Defender for now.

So after all that, I’m ready to jump back into Neverwinter Nights. But, heck, it’s just about dinner time now, and I’m tired of messing around on this laptop. So I guess I’ll shut it all down and grab a bite to eat.

Garden State Comic Fest

I went to Garden State Comic Fest today. It was a bit of a last-minute decision, since I didn’t even know it was happening until I saw a tweet about it on Friday from Jim Steranko. I haven’t been to a con like this in quite some time. I’d call it a medium-size con. Plenty of dealers and a fair number of guests. And, unlike some other cons, the guests were primarily comic book writers and artists. (No pro wrestlers, reality TV stars, or washed-up sci-fi actors from the 70s. Not that there’s anything wrong with any of that…)

I got three books signed: my copy of  Legion Annual #3, by Greg LaRoque; a Dick Tracy comic, by Joe Staton; and a hardcover First Wave collection, by Rags Morales. All three of those guys were very friendly, and it was cool to meet them.

I didn’t see Steranko there, though maybe I just didn’t look hard enough. I did see Walt and Louise Simonson, but their table was (rightly) very busy, so I didn’t get to talk to them or get anything signed. Greg Hildebrandt had a very nice Tolkien book for sale, but it was a bit too expensive for me ($100).

I picked up a few random hardcovers and paperbacks for really low prices (all between $5 and $9), so my reading pile is now another eight or so inches higher. I didn’t pick up any individual issues, but I did flip through some dollar boxes, and enjoyed looking at some random old comics. So, overall, worth the trip and the $25 admission.

Verizon’s new plans

I can’t decide if I want to switch to Verizon’s new version of the “medium” plan, and get an extra gig of data, plus (limited) rollover data, for $5 more than I’m paying now. My old plan is $45 for 3 GB. The new version is $50 for 4 GB. (The additional $20 device fee stays the same.)

I’ve been staying below 3 GB largely by never streaming music over LTE. Going to 4 GB would give me room to listen to a little streaming radio now and then, which would be nice.

Neverwinter Nights

I broke down and bought Neverwinter Nights Diamond from GOG last night. It’s only $10, so it’s no big deal, even if I don’t get too far with it. I managed to install it on my Windows 10 laptop without much trouble. I had to tweak a few things to get the opening video sequence to run, but it seems to be working fine now.

According to HowLongToBeat.com, it should take a little over 50 hours to play through the main game. The edition I bought from GOG also has three expansion packs included, so, if I make it through the main campaign, I’ll have those to play too. And there are a lot of user-created adventures out there, if I decide that I want to mess around with those.

The game still gets some attention, and is still actively being played, apparently, despite being over ten years old. Kotaku ran an interesting essay on NWN just a month or so ago. And the forums at GOG and BioWare are both moderately active.

So far, I’ve just gotten part way through the tutorial section. It looks like the kind of game that I’ll probably enjoy. It’s D&D, so that’s a good start. And combat seems to be (kind of) turn-based, which I prefer, since I’m not good at real-time. And there does appear to be an attempt at storytelling and role-playing; it’s not just hack & slash.