Tekserve fixed my MacBook on Wednesday, so I decided to run into the city after work and pick it up, rather than waiting until the weekend. I got there about a half-hour before they closed, but I didn’t have any problem picking up the machine and getting it back home. And it turns out that it was just the hard drive cable, as I’d hoped. It seems to be working fine now.
Last night and tonight, I’ve been working on getting it set up again. I restored a bunch of stuff from my old drive, which I’d swapped out back in December. So I lost anything that I had on the machine since then, if I didn’t have it anywhere else. That turns out to be not much, really. I’ve been keeping important stuff in Evernote or Dropbox, or on my desktop PC, so there wasn’t much that was only on my Mac. (And I’m now looking at consolidating a bunch of stuff in OneDrive.) Still, I really need to get a better backup strategy going.
As part of the setup, I upgraded to El Capitan. I’m not having any problems with it so far. I’ve got the newest versions of all my applications installed, and they all seem to be compatible. The one app I haven’t reinstalled is f.lux, as there appears to be a minor issue with that.
So I’m hoping for no more problems with this MacBook for at least another year. I may think about getting a new one next year (2016), but not until the end of the year, if I can manage to keep this one going until then.
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