general media consumption thoughts for 2025

I looked at Facebook this morning, which is now something I only do once or twice a week. (I almost always check it on Sundays.) There was a post from an old high school acquaintance announcing his intention to leave Facebook, and essentially all social media. There was a point, I can’t remember exactly when, where a lot of my old high school acquaintances got on Facebook and started sending friend requests to each other. I went from not having any contact with anyone I knew in high school to suddenly being able to chat with 20 or 30 of them, and having a bit of a view into their current lives. It was fun and interesting. It only led to two real-world meetups, I think, but those were both nice, and wouldn’t have happened without Facebook.

Anyway, that friend’s post, and the presidential inauguration tomorrow, got me thinking again about how I’m engaging with social media and consuming general media, and what changes I should make, if any. So this post is going to be a (probably lengthy) rumination on that. I’ll try to make it a bulleted list, and see how that goes.

  • Facebook: I’d like to delete my Facebook account, but there’s still enough useful and fun stuff there that I feel like I shouldn’t. I only check it occasionally, at this point, and I try to stick to the reverse chronological feed, which they’ve made harder to access, but it’s still there. I don’t use the iOS app at all (which is one of the reasons I don’t check it often). I only use it from Firefox, with maximum ad-blocking.
  • Twitter/X: I still have an account there, but I’ve set it to private and don’t post there anymore. I still need to look at stuff there occasionally, if there’s a person or company that still has an account there, and they use it to post product updates or stuff like that.
  • Threads: I was curious about whether or not Threads would become a serious Twitter replacement at one point, and it was an interesting service at the start, but I’m not finding much use for it now. Most of the folks who went from Twitter to Threads, back when Bluesky was invitation-only, have now moved to Bluesky. So I still have an account, but I’m not using it much.
  • Instagram: I’ve had an Instagram account for a long time, but never really used it much. I’m actually checking it more often now, and have followed a bunch of accounts there. But it’s still mostly useless. It’s just that are some people/businesses who only post on Instagram, or primarily there, so I feel like I need to keep an account. And it’s a good place to get some random comics stuff, like the New Yorker cartoons.
  • Meta in general: Zuckerburg is not a good guy, so yeah, I’d like to drop off of Facebook, Threads, and Instagram. But they have just enough utility that I feel like I need to stay on them, to some extent.
  • Bluesky: I wish I could have gotten on Bluesky earlier, but I had to wait for the invitation-only period to end. If I could have gotten on earlier, I (and I suspect a lot of other folks) would have skipped Threads and some of the other niche platforms that were out there, and the mass Twitter exodus would have been bigger and more orderly. Well, anyway, at this point, Bluesky is a pretty OK place to be. I check it daily, I guess, and post there occasionally. I don’t have a lot of “real” friends there, but a lot of the people and companies I used to follow on Twitter are on Bluesky now. I’m a little worried about what the long-term plan is for Bluesky though. Right now, it’s ad-free and the default timeline is reverse chronological, but they’re going to have to find a way to make money, eventually.
  • Mastodon: I really wish more folks had come over to Mastodon. I still love it, and there are some great people there. But there aren’t a lot of mainstream folks or companies that have active accounts there. For an iOS client, I’m still using Toot!, though I feel like it’s probably time to check out some others. At some point, I’m hoping someone will create a good client that aggregates Mastodon, Bluesky, and maybe general RSS. I think there are probably folks working on that, and maybe there’s already a good one out there, but I haven’t found it yet.
  • RSS: Every once in a while, I try to embrace RSS. I stick with it for a while, then drift away. I’m still paying for an account with The Old Reader, and using that as my main RSS back-end. And I use it as the front-end when I’m checking RSS via the web. On iOS, I use Reeder as a front-end. I’m still using the previous version of Reeder. The newest version seems to be trying for that consolidated view that I’d like, if it could include RSS, Mastodon, and Bluesky, at least. But I’d also want it to have web-based view, and not just iOS and macOS apps, so I could use it on PC.

Well, that was an excessively long and rambling list of social media thoughts. Now let’s move on to more general media.

  • Newspapers: I still pay for the New York Times and the Washington Post, though I did the little dance a while ago where I threatened to cancel and they gave me lower rates for a year. So I’ll reevaluate those after those discounts expire. Both papers have their problems, but they’re both still better than most of the alternatives.
  • PBS: I still get my NJ news from our local NJ PBS station and their NJ Spotlight News program. And I support them with a monthly donation, though it’s honestly a small one. The donation gets me access to PBS Passport, which I use frequently to watch various shows, usually in the mystery or police procedural genre, and usually British.
  • NPR: I listen to WNYC in New York and WXPN in Philly. I don’t currently give to either of them, but I’m thinking about it. (I’ve given them both one-time donations in the past, multiple times, but not recently.) The NPR Plus thing might be worth doing. I should consider getting more of my news from NPR, I think.
  • YouTube TV: I’m still paying for YouTube TV, though I’m struggling with that. It’s useful for watching local news, baseball, football, and stuff like that. But I kinda lost interest in football this year, since the Giants did so poorly. At this point, I’m mostly using it to watch TCM, which is great, but maybe not worth $83/month, which is what they just raised the price to. (And of course it bothers me that $1 or $2 of that $83 is going to support Fox News.)

Whew. I could go on, but I’m pretty sure nobody wants me to. The world is full of billionaires who, more and more, exert control and influence on social media, news media, and entertainment media. It’s worth spending some time evaluating how you use this stuff, how you engage with it, and how you pay for it. I want to be an informed and responsible citizen. I want to keep in touch with friends and relatives. And I want to do so without funneling too much money into the pockets of certain billionaires. I hope I’m striking a reasonable balance here, without agonizing too much about it all.


The Gaiman situation

Welp, I saw the There Is No Safe Word article on the Vulture web site on Monday, and I guess I’m still processing it. To be clear, I didn’t read the whole thing. I skimmed a good bit of it, then gave up once it was clear that there was enough bad stuff in it that I didn’t need to read anymore to decide how I felt about it. Having seen some further discussion of it on social media, I’m glad I didn’t read all of the details and will not be going back and doing so.

I’ve been a fan of Neil Gaiman since the early days of Sandman, which started up in 1988, so that’s a long time. I knew about the earlier article/podcast from Tortoise, about six months ago, but I guess I was kinda hoping it was an exaggeration? I don’t know. Anyway, I guess the Vulture / New York Magazine article pretty much confirms that, yep, there’s a big problem here, and Gaiman isn’t the guy so many of us thought he was. It’s heartbreaking.

I took a look at my Goodreads account today, and I see that I have around 35 Gaiman books/comics on it, with about 6 of them unread. I probably have several other unread Gaiman books/comics/audiobooks, both physical and digital, that I haven’t added to Goodreads. So let’s say a dozen or maybe twenty items.

It’s hard to figure how I should feel about his work now. Do I still want to read the stuff that I have? I picked up my copy of The Graveyard Book graphic novel this afternoon, and stared at it for a bit. I bought it in 2016, and still haven’t read it. The art is by P. Craig Russell, who is maybe my very favorite comic book artist. So I’m not going to toss that one. On the other hand, I’ve got some random Gaiman stuff from an old Humble Bundle that I’m probably not going to bother reading now.

I also went through my Amazon wish list, and my Overdrive wish list, and purged most of the Gaiman stuff off of them. I don’t really need to buy any more of his stuff. (I left a couple of American Gods graphic novels on there, since Russell is involved with those, so I might decide that it’s OK to buy them to support Russell’s work. I don’t know.)

Gaiman has posted a statement on his blog, basically refuting all of the allegations. I’d love to be able to believe him, but at this point, I don’t think I can.

In terms of figuring out how to engage with work you love that was created by a guy who turns out to be a monster: I’ve seen a couple of good takes on this on social media, but I didn’t bookmark them, and can’t find them now. It comes down to deciding that, if you love a certain work, and it inspired you, or just made you happy, the guy who created it doesn’t get to take that away from you. If the work still makes you happy, that’s fine. I’m probably not expressing that too well. Here’s an article from The Paris Review that covers this kind of thing pretty thoroughly.

finished the Wheel of Time

I finished reading A Memory of Light today, so I’m finally finished reading The Wheel of Time! I started almost two years ago, in March 2023. I’d set myself a goal of finishing it by year-end 2024, so I missed that, but only by a few days.

Overall, I’m really glad I read the series. Most of it was very enjoyable, a nice escape from the real world, and something to keep me occupied on Sunday mornings and weekday lunch breaks. And I’ve enjoyed some of the associated media I’ve dipped into, like The Wheel Weaves podcast, or the articles, or some of the other online fan stuff. Of course, I’ve avoided a lot of it too, in fear of spoilers. Now, I can dig into the spoiler-laden stuff too, if I want to.

But I think I’m going to take a break from WoT and delve into some other stuff. (Except maybe The Wheel Weaves podcast. They’re on the next-to-last book now, so I might as well keep up with that to the end. It’s fun.)

I’m at a bit of a loss as to what to start next. Maybe some shorter stuff, or some comics, as a palate-cleanser? Maybe some non-fiction? My Goodreads TBR list has… 653 books on it, so I’ve got plenty to choose from!

New Year’s Day 2025

Well, I made it through another year, I guess, so here’s my usual New Year’s Day blog post! I went to bed around 9:30 PM last night, after watching the first two Thin Man movies on TCM. I got out of bed around 6:15 AM this morning. My days of staying up late on New Year’s Eve are pretty much done, apparently.

WordPress stats

I like to use these posts for both useful self-reflection and pointless (but fun) stats. I’m going to start with some pointless stats related to this blog. I ran a quick SQL statement to get my posts per year, over the life of this blog, and got the following:

blog posts per year chart
blog posts per year

So that’s 49 posts in 2024. My most active year was 2005, with over 200 posts. The least active full year was 2013, with 33 posts. I don’t know if any of that is super-interesting to anyone but me, but there it is.

I was trying to think of why 2013 would be a low point, and I guess it probably had something to do with starting a new job that year. And that’s still my current job (SHI), almost 12 years later. (More about that later.)

I also looked at traffic stats on the blog. Nothing interesting to report there, except that December 2024 was my most active month ever, by a long shot, with more than 3000 views. All of that traffic was on one day though: December 9. And I’m pretty sure it was all search bots or AI training bots or whatever.


I’ve been fighting a low-level cold since Thanksgiving (or thereabouts), so my health situation is pretty much business as usual. I remember having a pretty good run of “not being sick” at some point this year though. Maybe in the spring? I thought I’d made a note of it in Day One or somewhere, but I can’t quite pinpoint when it was or how long it was.

As for my weight: I started 2024 at around 160, and ended it at 165. I’ve been fairly stable at 165, plus or minus two, for the last three months. So I’m hoping that I’ve stopped gaining weight and have hit a stable point. (In 2023, I went from 150 to 160, so my gain this year was half of last year’s gain.) And I’m still logging all of my meals/snacks with LoseIt, as I have been doing since 2013.

I think I still need to do some work on getting my snacking under control. I need to cut down on cookies and pastries form the various bakeries and coffee shops here in town. (Having a good French bakery almost directly below my apartment, in the same building, has turned out to be a bit of a problem…)

On the exercise front, I’m doing good. I was going to look for some summary stats to support that, but I’ve just realized that Apple’s Fitness app doesn’t have any kind of “year in review” thing, similar to Apple Music Replay or any of the other end-of-year things that have gotten big over the last few years. Odd, since that would likely be really popular. You can get some yearly graphs in the Health app though. So, from that, I see that I’ve averaged about 45 minutes per day exercise and 550 calories per day on the “move” ring. That’s pretty good, and I see that it’s been pretty consistent over the whole year.

And, having written all this, I realized that I hadn’t gone for a walk yet, so I did that just now. Here’s a photo!

New Year's Day morning walk
New Year’s Day morning walk

Wow, I could write a lot about work this year. My old boss retired at the end of 2023, so I’ve just finished out my first year under the new boss. I had a pretty solid relationship with the old boss, but I’m still working on building one with the new guy.

I had gotten used to near-perfect performance reviews from the old boss, so I was a bit surprised to get an average review from the new one. (Basically, a rating of 3 out of 5 on everything, and a lower raise than I usually get.) I have a feeling that he didn’t put that much thought into the review, since he doesn’t actually know that much about me or what I do. So I’m not too worried about him just clicking “3” down the row of questions on the review form; it’s not that I did anything wrong, he just doesn’t have much to go on. But I think I do need to try to build up some kind of relationship with him in 2025, if I can. It’s hard, since he’s in Texas and I’m in NJ, and since he has a fairly large number of direct reports, and responsibility for three main groups (AX, CRM, and ServiceNow). So I guess I need to just keep trying to be a good employee and make sure to do the stuff he wants me to do.

In terms of systems and projects this year: We’re still on AX 2012, and haven’t made any real progress towards moving to D365 F&O. Maybe that’s too simplistic a view. Some stuff is going on behind the scenes, I guess, but there’s really no concrete progress on the real work of moving off AX 2012 and getting to F&O. For 2025, we’re planning on upgrading our SQL environment and getting on the latest CU for AX, so that’s something, and likely a necessary start. At the start of 2024, we were saying that getting to F&O was a three-year project. I think it’s still at least a three-year project, and I’m not sure if 2025 is going to count as year one, or if 2025 will be more like “year zero” with the real project starting in 2026.

We’ve been going through what they call an “agile transition” over the last year.  We’ve been using something like scrum since 2022, but the new boss (and new IT management in general) has been trying to really formalize that. We now have a scrum master, daily stand-ups, and multiple standard meetings (the usual stuff). And our group has been broken up into two separate “feature teams.” Also, we’ve stopped doing weekly deployments, and now only do one deployment per sprint (every two weeks). So that’s been a lot to get used to. And for 2025, we’re switching from using Azure DevOps to Jira for our agile/scrum management. So, just when things are getting smooth, we’re going to upend it all again.

Learning and other fun Stuff

OK, that’s enough of the serious stuff. Now let’s go through some more fun stuff. Let’s start with my Goodreads year in books. Just 27 books for 2024, though some of the Wheel of Time books were pretty long (Lord of Chaos was 1049 pages.) I had set a goal for myself of finishing the WOT series in 2024, but I’m not quite done with the final book. So maybe I’ll finish it by the end of January 2025. I’m not quite sure what I’ll tackle next; WOT has been eating up a lot of my reading time. I have a bunch of Dresden Files and Laundry Files books in my TBR pile, so maybe some of those. Or Discworld? And I have so many comics piled up too!

In terms of professional learning, I only see three books on my list that count towards that, and they’re all fairly general books. I don’t seem to have learned any new programming languages in 2024, or anything else big.

Looking at my Pluralsight history, I see that I completed around 15 courses there in 2024. Some of those were work-specific, as part of Pluralsight “challenges.” Some were just stuff I wanted to learn on my own. So there’s a mix of agile/scrum stuff, C# stuff, AI stuff, and miscellaneous “soft skill” stuff.

At some point during the year, I started looking at maybe getting an AZ-204 certification. But I didn’t get very far with that, and I’ve pretty much dropped the idea now. Back in 2013, I also started thinking about a D365 F&O certification of some kind, but I’m not going forward with that either, at least not yet.

During my performance review, my boss said that he wants me to pursue a SAFe certification for 2025, so I’m starting to work on that. Honestly, I’m not too enthusiastic about it, but it’ll probably help my career, and I’m open-minded enough to give it a try, I guess. I’ve started a leaning path in Pluralsight, and a video series on O’Reilly. I might also try to read the SAFe Distilled book at some point too. I don’t know. This plan may fizzle out, honestly, but I’m going to give it a try.

Okay, back to fun stuff. Here’s my 2024 year in film, from Letterboxd. I watched a little over 100 movies this year. I started and ended the year with After the Thin Man. My five-star ratings for the year went to The Thin Man, Casablanca, When Marnie Was There, and 10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki. The only film on that list that was new to me was When Marnie Was There.

My Apple Music Replay is kind of weird. My top song for the year is Hell of a Ride, by Nourished by Time. My top album is Songs of Surrender, by U2. And my top artist is Bombay Bicycle Club. I guess those all kinda make sense, though they’re all a little surprising. I guess the U2 album being on the top is mostly because it’s a four-disc set, and I added it in January. Looking at albums that I added to my library this year, none of them really stand out. There are some really good ones, but nothing that really stuck enough for me to listen to a lot, or that really blew my mind. At the moment, I’m pretty enthusiastic about the new Joan Armatrading album.

Ten Years Ago

I’ve been doing this so long that I can now look at my post from ten years ago (and even twenty years ago) and try to think about some big picture stuff. (The post from 20 years ago is just a one-liner about a song, so that one’s not too valuable.)

So, ten years ago:

  • I noted that I’d gone from 200 pounds to 165 over the course of 2014. So I’m starting 2025 at the same weight at which I started 2015. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but it is what it is!
  • 2014 was my first full year at SHI. I’ve been there since, so overall that’s gone well, I think.
  • I talked a little about consulting and volunteering in that post. I haven’t done any consulting in a long time, and I’m not planning to. I think those days are done, unless I decide to do that part-time after I’m retired. And I haven’t done any volunteering either. I’d like to do some of that, but I’m getting to the point where I’m too tired to do much of anything outside of my normal salaried work. (And I’m OK with that.)
  • I finished 30 books in 2014, so that’s pretty similar to this year’s total.
  • I moved this blog to WordPress in 2014, so I guess I should have celebrated my ten-year WordPress anniversary in 2024. I’m still OK with WordPress (even with Matt Mullenweg’s shenanigans).

almost done with the Wheel of Time

I was hoping to finish A Memory of Light, the last Wheel of Time book, before the end of this year. But there are only a few days left in the year, and I’m at about the 75% mark, so it’s not looking likely.

I’m currently reading chapter 37, “The Last Battle”, which is a ridiculously long chapter. Most WoT chapters take 15-30 minutes for me to read. This one showed as 5.5 hrs when I started reading it on my Kindle. And I’ve since learned that it’s a 9 hour chapter in the audiobook. So I’m not too sure when I’m even going to finish just this chapter.

I see that, on this day last year, I was just starting Lord of Chaos, which is book 6. (A Memory of Light is book 14.) So I have definitely made a lot of progress!

Lots of Doctor Who

I’ve been fighting a cold the last few weeks (on and off). I stayed home on Christmas, all by myself, and did very little, other than watching Doctor Who. I’ve really been on a Doctor Who kick lately.

I’ve watched all of the Doctor Who: The Key to Time DVD set that I bought a couple of years ago. That was a lot of fun. The episodes themselves are great, and so are the commentaries. The episodes are from 1978-79. The commentaries were recorded around 2002, I think. So both are capturing a moment in time that’s long gone. It was cool listening to the actors, writers, directors, and other creators reminisce. Especially Tom Baker. He’s a hoot.

I’ve now started watching The Complete David Tennant Collection Blu-ray set, which I bought in 2019. This is a little more recent, but still feels like a relic from a distant past, in some ways. Again, I’m watching the episodes and listening to the commentaries, and having a lot of fun. I’ve probably seen most of these episodes multiple times, but I haven’t seen them in a while.

And of course I watched this year’s Christmas special, Joy to the World, on Disney+. I have mixed feelings about Ncuti Gatwa’s first season, but I really liked this special.

Seeing Doctor Who stories from all three of these different eras all in the last few weeks is interesting. There’s a lot of common threads going through this stuff, but also a lot of change and evolution.

Honestly, this is shaping up to be kind of a rough holiday season. I really haven’t been able to spend time with anyone else, for various reasons. And I haven’t been able to do some of the oddball things I used to do during the holidays, pre-pandemic. So I’m just spending all my downtime watching TV, alone in my apartment.

converting EPUB files to CBZ, and ripping DVDs

Here’s a follow up to my post from earlier today. I went ahead and decided to see if I could write a PowerShell script to convert an EPUB file to a CBZ file. I thought this would be a quick process, but of course it got a bit out of control.

I started by asking ChatGPT to write one for me, given some fairly specific parameters. I asked it to use the 7-Zip command line tool to zip and unzip the files. And I told it where to find the images in the EPUB, and gave it the steps to follow to complete the process. It spit out a script that looked pretty good but (of course) didn’t work.

Long story short: I spent an hour or two tweaking the script and eventually came up with this one. It worked fine, and I used it to convert about a dozen EPUBs to CBZ.

I gave up on calling 7-Zip, since passing parameters into 7-Zip from PowerShell turned out to be a very annoying process that I could never quite get right. (And which gave me a bit of deja vu, when I remembered that I’d had this problem at least once before, when I was trying to write a backup script for my dev VM at work, probably ten years ago.) I switched to the built-in Compress-Archive and Expand-Archive commands, which was probably the better path anyway.

On a separate (but semi-related) subject, I decided to watch a Doctor Who DVD this afternoon. I was going to watch the second DVD from my A Key To Time box set, which I bought in 2022. I watched the first disc in 2023, then never got around to the second. Well, now it’s 2024, so I decided I should probably make some progress with it. But my Xbox refused to play disc 2. So I checked another disc, and it was fine. So it’s not that the Xbox Blu-ray drive is broken. The DVD seems to load fine on my PC though. So now, I’m using Handbrake to rip it, so I can watch it via my Apple TV.

All in all, I’m spending way more time in front of my PC than I intended to today. And whatever disc space I saved by futzing with my comic book files is going to get eaten up by the rip of the Doctor Who DVD. Oh well. I guess this is still more fun than work!

using up my PTO

I’m taking three days of PTO this week, to use up the last few days that I can’t roll over to next year. I’m counting it as a bit of an accomplishment that I actually have a few days left to burn, and that I never got sick enough this year to use them up on sick time. (Unlike last year, when I got COVID.)

Of course, I’m sick right now, so I’m taking it easy, and not doing much. I spent some time yesterday messing around with my DRM-free comic book files again. (See previous post.) This time, I decided to see if I could replace some very large CBZ files from an old Star Trek Humble bundle with smaller EPUB files.

This sent me down a rabbit hole, messing around with iPadOS comic book and EPUB reader apps, Calibre, and some other random stuff. I was briefly mad at myself for wasting so much time on it, but then I realized that (a) I’m taking PTO, (b) I’m  sick enough that I didn’t want to do much else, and (c) I actually enjoy messing around with stuff like this, from time to time. So here are some notes on what I did and where I left things.

First: I’m not sure if there’s a good reason why these specific Star Trek comic book files were so big as CBZs and so much smaller as EPUBs. I think Humble doesn’t necessarily put a lot of work into optimizing their files. CBZ files are compressed, so it’s not a lack of compression. (The “Z” is for “Zip”.) And EPUB files are also compressed, so I guess the only thing that would account for the difference would be image file size. So maybe they made the CBZ with high-resolution images, and the EPUB with lower resolution images.

Anyway, I downloaded some EPUBs and tried them out with my usual comic book reading app on the iPad, Panels. They were pulled into the app with no problem, and are readable, but the covers wouldn’t show. I probably should have stopped there and said “fine”, but I decided to mess around some more.

First, I pulled one of the EPUBs into Calibre, and let that mess with it a bit. I verified that the cover was visible in Calibre, so I exported Calibre’s version of the EPUB and pulled that into Panels. That version didn’t work at all though. So I gave up on that.

Then I tried the EPUB in some of my other ebook reading apps:

  • I tried GoodReader, but that doesn’t support EPUBs, only PDFs.
  • I tried the Kindle app, but that doesn’t support large EPUBs.
  • I tried Apple Books, and that worked, but the page size & page turning was a bit wonky.
  • I tried the Kobo app. That worked, but was also wonky about page size/turning.
  • I used to have an app called Marvin that was my go-to app for reading DRM-free EPUBs, but that app was discontinued and is no longer in the app store, so I couldn’t even get it loaded on my iPad.
  • I still have BlueFire Reader, and it still works, but I’m pretty sure it’s not being maintained, so I didn’t even bother trying it.

Most EPUB reading apps are meant to be used for books that are mostly text, so I guess they don’t work great with comic book files. Panels still seems to be the best app overall for reading comics, regardless of file format.

So now I can maybe mess around with the EPUB a bit and see if I can get Panels to recognize the cover. EPUBs are basically just a compressed bundle of HTML and image files. Maybe I just need to tweak something in the HTML? Or I could decompress the EPUB and recompress it as a CBZ file maybe. That would give me a file with the lower-res images from the EPUB but in the better-supported CBZ format.

Stepping back a bit, I remember that I’m messing around with files from a Humble bundle that I bought back in 2016. I haven’t read anything from it yet, and probably won’t, any time soon. So none of this is a big deal.

Meanwhile, I also bought this Hellboy bundle this week, which is actually the third Hellboy-related bundle I’ve bought from Humble. So now I’ve got a ton of Hellboy comics files on my drive, more than I’ll probably ever get around to reading. I just have to remember that having too much to read is a good thing… better that, than not having enough.

Kindle, Kobo, Humble, and DRM thoughts

I’ve been buying various Humble bundles going back to 2012. I think the first couple were probably book bundles. Then, they started selling comics bundles too. I’ve been buying two or three of their bundles every year since then. So it’s not a ton of stuff, but it adds up. Some of the comics bundles, if you download all the books, can take up a lot of disk space. The largest one I have is a Star Trek bundle that takes up 25 GB.

My general approach with the DRM-free Humble comics bundles is to download all the books onto my main PC, then back them up to DVD. I’ve kept them in a local folder on the PC, only moving individual books to OneDrive when I’m ready to load them onto my iPad.

But I’m starting to rethink that. I have 1 TB drive in my PC, and I try to keep at least 100 GB free on it. I bought a couple of Humble bundles this week, and the comics one (Black Hammer) pushed me over the edge into having just under 100 GB free. I found that my local Humble folder had 175 GB worth of comics in it.

In OneDrive, I have 1 TB of storage, and I was using about 170 GB of that. So there’s plenty of room on OneDrive for the comics. I keep all of my OneDrive files local on my PC, so I don’t gain much immediately from moving the comics there. (Though there is some overlap, with stuff I’d copied to OneDrive and also had on my PC.) So I’ve spent some time over the last few days moving stuff from my local folder to OneDrive. I’m almost done now, with the last couple of bundles uploading right now. As you can imagine, it takes a long time to upload 175 GB to OneDrive.

When I’m done, I will consider changing the settings in OneDrive so that the Humble comics folder is offloaded and not always available on the PC. I already have both my MacBook and PC laptop set so that OneDrive is in “files on demand” mode, but I’ve resisted doing that on my main PC, since I like to be able to have the OneDrive files included in my daily backups (via Bvckup 2).

Overall, I’m trying to let go a bit of the idea that I need to have all of my DRM-free comics on my hard drive and backed up. Humble has now been around for more than ten years, and I’m pretty sure all of the stuff I’ve bought from them is still downloadable from their library. So it doesn’t seem as though I’m likely to suddenly lose access to it at any point soon. And, hey, it’s just comics, and honestly, I’ve got so many of them now that I’m probably not ever going to read them all anyway.

Another idea I had was to move them to a separate OneDrive account, as an archive. I have Microsoft 365 Family, so I can set up another user on the family account and move the comics over there, so they’ll be off the hard drive, out of my main OneDrive, but still safely in the cloud. That could be a lot of work though.

Well, I guess the system I have is good enough for now. The other Humble bundle I bought this week was a book bundle, the Ursula K. Le Guin bundle. Humble has been doing book bundles with Kobo recently, including the Terry Pratchett one from earlier this year. For the Pratchett bundle, I actually downloaded all the books from Kobo and pulled them into Calibre. I don’t think I’m going to bother doing that with the Le Guin bundle. Since I now have both a Kobo Libra Colour and a Kindle Colorsoft, I don’t have to worry that much about stripping DRM and moving files around, if I don’t want to. I can read the Kobo books on the Kobo and my Kindle books on the Kindle.

I’m not really happy about the overall situation with DRM on books and comics and music, but I guess I’ve accepted it, to some extent. And I think I’m starting to accept that I’ll never read every book and comic I “own” before I die. I read something some time ago by (I think) Steve Leveen that reframed the issue of having a large “To Be Read” pile as a positive rather than a negative thing. Rather than thinking of your backlog as a burden, think of it as an abundance of options. Every time I want to sit down and read a book or comic, I have hundreds of options to choose from, without spending any money or leaving my apartment. So that’s a good thing, right?

perfect Sundays

I feel like I’ve been having a nice run of near-perfect Sundays lately, so I thought I’d blog about that a little. Since at least 2020, I’ve been organizing my weekends so that I generally get all of my chores done on Saturday, and I can spend Sunday relaxing. And I’ve developed some habits that work well for me.

I started reading the Sunday Routine articles in the NY Times around 2020, and enjoyed a lot of those. I haven’t kept up with them, but I think I may have taken some inspiration from them, without really meaning to. A lot of them are easy to make fun of. But many of them are also inspirational and interesting.

Anyway, here’s my Sunday routine: I generally get up at 6, because I’m old and I can’t really sleep late anymore. But Sunday is the one day I don’t need to get up at 6, so sometimes I’ll sleep in until 7, if my body lets me do that. I almost always make a variation on the same breakfast: two eggs, one slice of pork roll, and two slices of toast. And I make coffee with my Moka pot. At some point after breakfast, I go for a walk. Generally for 20-25 minutes, just around the neighborhood. When I come back, I read a few chapters of whichever Wheel of Time book I’m currently reading. At 10 AM, I walk over to the Somerville Farmers Market and buy some stuff. I’ve been going to that consistently enough this year that a lot of the vendors know me now, and I can have some little chats with them. So that’s quite nice. After that, I might go back to reading my Wheel of Time book. For the afternoon, I might make a sandwich and watch a movie on TV, or a football game. There’s usually an afternoon nap in there somewhere.

So there’s not much of a point in writing all of that out, but I like thinking about it. And it’s good to recognize the nice things in your life and be thankful for them.

And all of that is leading me up to thinking about the election results from last week. I have to admit that it all kind of broke me. (I was going to link to a news article about the results here, but browsing through them now is only making me angry again…) I’m trying to think back now to how I felt in 2016. And, because I have a blog, I can check on that! Here’s a post from (coincidentally) today in 2016. It’s kind of funny to see that I embedded a bunch of Twitter posts into that blog entry. I would never do that now; Twitter is worse than useless at this point.

There was a lot of reaction to the election on the social networks I now follow (Mastodon and Bluesky, mostly), but nothing I feel like I need to share. In fact, I avoided social media for the day after the election, except for a couple of quick check-ins to see if there was anything I needed to know about. I’m starting to rethink my media diet again. I’ve found that I’m not ready for stuff like Colbert or other typical last-night humor again. So I might lay off all of that for the rest of the year. I will probably keep watching NJ Spotlight News, but I might be fast-forwarding through parts of it now. (That’s what I was doing last week. I just couldn’t bear to watch anything related to the election results.)

One thing I did see on social media today was a post from Michiko Kakutani on Instagram quoting W. H. Auden’s poem September 1, 1939, which I’ve mentioned on this blog before. I was going to stick a quote from it in here, but you’re better off reading the whole thing. (It’s not long.)

And there have been a lot of blog posts and essays and think pieces written about these election results. (Of course.) I’ve looked at a few of them, but haven’t read many, past the first paragraph or two. (That’s probably healthy. Reading too much of this stuff would only make my state of mind worse, and probably wouldn’t result in any useful action on my part.) I’ll like to one piece though: And Yet It Moves, by Ken White.

OK, that’s it for now. Back to relaxing.