I’ve been real busy lately getting ready for my trip to California. My first stop is going to be in the LA area, then I’ll be heading for San Diego and the wonderful Comic-Con! If I have time, maybe I’ll post updates from San Diego. If not, then I’ll be incommunicado for a while.
Exploding Dog
Do I have a link to Exploding Dog on this site anywhere? If not, then I really need one. Some of these are real gems. Simple, but effective.
PC Expo
Not much interesting to report from PC Expo this year.
Stuff that just wasn’t there this year:
- Dot-coms.
Stuff that was:
Palm, Handspring, and Pocket PC stuff. And lots of it.
Lots of wireless stuff — service providers, hardware, devices.
Ott-Lite. These guys make nifty lamps. Okay it doesn’t sound exciting, but really, they’re nice lamps.
Employees, Where Art Thou? I’ve seen a few variations on this theme recently. The bottom line seems to be that it’s not the end of the world, but expect employers to be a bit more picky, and don’t expect the same kind of perks that some companies were doling out a few years ago.
Stan Lee
Stan Lee interview at the Onion. Gotta love The Man. There’s a nice page about him at Salon, too.
PC Expo
If you’re going to PC Expo, take a look at ZD Net’s coverage. I’ve been going every year for the last five years or so. It’s generally worthwhile, if you’re close to NY.
On another subject completely, check out Desperate Times. This is a fairly humorous comic by Chris Eliopoulos.
Spent most of the evening listening to WXPN and reading the New York Times. Very relaxing.
We had to lay off a couple of people in my department today. It wasn’t my responsiblity to make the decision, or to deliver the bad news, thankfully. Still, I’d rather it hadn’t happened, and I wish there was something I could do about it. Check out this Bob Lewis column from InfoWorld for a couple of thoughts on being downsized.
Worried about DDoS attacks yet?
Mike Lin
Does it ever bother you when a 17-year old seems to know more about programming that you do? And you’re 34? (Actually, it doesn’t bother me much, and he seems like a nice guy, so it’s cool. He’s written some neat stuff, too!)