Mandrill REST API

OK, here’s another REST API example. In the same system I blogged about yesterday, I also had to use the Mandrill API to send out some transactional emails. Mandrill is a relatively new service from MailChimp that can be used to send out e-mail via simple API calls. It’s pretty nice, and free to use, up to a certain point.

You can actually use it via regular old SMTP, with some control info added into the headers, or you can go ahead and use their REST API. I decided to use the API. Initially, I had no luck with that at all. After thrashing around a bit, I eventually figured out that I had to update to the newest version of EasyHttp. Then, it started working fine, no problem. I didn’t bother looking into the internals of EasyHttp to try and figure out what was causing the problem. I’m kind of curious, but, as usual, it’s more important to just get the thing working.

So, here’s another Gist with some code:

 * Code/Mandrill.cs
 * These are calls to the Mandrill email service.
 * Reference:
 * ajh 2012-08-09: new
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Dynamic;
using EasyHttp.Http;
using System.Net;
using log4net;

namespace Sample.Web
    enum MandrillError

    public class Mandrill
        static string MandrillBaseUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MandrillBaseUrl"];
        static Guid MandrillKey = new Guid(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MandrillKey"]);

        public static bool SendActivationEMail(BLL.TrialSignup ts, out string errorMsg)
            string activationLink =
                HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Register/Activation.aspx?id=" + ts.Id;
            //send-template(string key, string template_name, array template_content, struct message) 
            dynamic sendParams = new ExpandoObject();
            sendParams.key = MandrillKey;
            sendParams.template_name = "Secret Project Trial Activation";

            sendParams.template_content = new List();
            sendParams.message = new ExpandoObject();
            sendParams.message.subject = "Here's your Secret Project activation email";
            sendParams.message.from_email = "";
            sendParams.message.from_name = "Secret Project";

   = new List();
  [0].email = ts.EMail;
  [0].name = ts.Name;

            sendParams.message.track_opens = true;
            //sendParams.message.track_clicks = true;

            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars = new List();
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars.Add(new ExpandoObject());
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[0].name = "NAME";
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[0].content = ts.Name;

            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars.Add(new ExpandoObject());
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[1].name = "LINK";
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[1].content = activationLink;

            errorMsg = string.Empty;
            MandrillError merr = SendMessage(sendParams);

            switch (merr)
                case MandrillError.OK:
                    return true;
                case MandrillError.WebException:
                case MandrillError.HttpNotOk:
                    errorMsg = "There was an issue sending your activation e-mail. Please try again later or call us directly.";
                case MandrillError.Invalid:
                    errorMsg = "Your email address appears to be invalid. Please try again with a valid address, or call us directly.";
                case MandrillError.Rejected:
                    errorMsg = "Your activation email was rejected. Please try again with a valid address, or call us directly.";
                case MandrillError.Unknown:
                    errorMsg = "There was an unknown problem sending your activation email. Please try again, or call us directly.";
            return false;

        public static bool SendSalesNotification(BLL.TrialSignup ts)
            dynamic sendParams = new ExpandoObject();
            sendParams.key = MandrillKey;
            sendParams.template_name = "Secret Project Trial Sales Notification";

            sendParams.template_content = new List();

            sendParams.message = new ExpandoObject();
            sendParams.message.subject = "Secret Project Trial Account Notification";
            sendParams.message.from_email = "";
            sendParams.message.from_name = "Secret Project";

   = new List();
  [0].email = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SalesEmail"];
  [0].name = "Secret Project Sales";

            //sendParams.message.track_opens = true;
            //sendParams.message.track_clicks = true;

            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars = new List();
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars.Add(new ExpandoObject());
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[0].name = "NAME";
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[0].content = ts.Name;

            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars.Add(new ExpandoObject());
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[1].name = "COMPANY";
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[1].content = ts.CompanyName;
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars.Add(new ExpandoObject());
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[2].name = "EMAIL";
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[2].content = ts.EMail;

            MandrillError merr = SendMessage(sendParams);

            switch (merr)
                case MandrillError.OK:
                    return true;
                case MandrillError.WebException:
                case MandrillError.HttpNotOk:
                case MandrillError.Invalid:
                case MandrillError.Rejected:
                case MandrillError.Unknown:
            return false;

        private static MandrillError SendMessage(dynamic sendParams)
            ILog _log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("Mandrill/SendMessage");

            string url = MandrillBaseUrl + "/messages/send-template.json";

            var http = new HttpClient
                Request = { Accept = HttpContentTypes.ApplicationJson }

            EasyHttp.Http.HttpResponse response;
                response = http.Post(url, sendParams, HttpContentTypes.ApplicationJson);
            catch (WebException ex)
                _log.ErrorFormat("Error: WebException - {0}", ex.Message);
                return MandrillError.WebException;

            if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                _log.InfoFormat("Response = {0} - {1}", response.StatusCode, response.StatusDescription);
                return MandrillError.HttpNotOk;

            dynamic rv = response.DynamicBody;
            _log.InfoFormat("email: {0}, status: {1}", rv[0].email, rv[0].status);

            string send_status = rv[0].status;
            if (send_status == "sent" || send_status == "queued")
                return MandrillError.OK;

            // otherwise, it should be "rejected" or "invalid"
            if (send_status == "invalid")
                return MandrillError.Invalid;
            if (send_status == "rejected")
                return MandrillError.Rejected;

            // unexpected...
            return MandrillError.Unknown;

I hope someone finds it useful and/or entertaining.
In this code, I’m sending out two e-mails, one is a trial account activation email, and the other is just a notification to sales. On the first, I’m looking at the errors closely and trying to return a useful error message, so the customer knows that something has gone wrong and has a clue about how to handle it. On the second, I’m less worried about that, as it’s just a notification to our salesperson.


I have about a dozen programming-related items floating around in my head that I’d like to write up short blog entries about. Maybe I’ll manage to get one or two written up tonight.

I’ve been doing some work recently with some random REST APIs. When I’m calling REST APIs from .NET, I like to use EasyHttp. Based on the stats on its NuGet page, I guess it’s not that popular, but it’s updated often enough, and it works well for me.

I recently worked on a project where I had to create a lead in Zoho CRM, using their API. I had a little bit of trouble, but only because I didn’t have quite the right parameters set — it turns out that “newformat=1” is really important. I had looked for some sample C# code for the Zoho API when I started this, and didn’t find any, so I thought I’d post a quick Gist with my code:

 * Sample C# code to create a lead with the Zoho CRM API.
 * ajh 2012-08-23
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Web;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using EasyHttp.Http;
using log4net;

namespace Sample.Web
    public class ZohoCrm
        static string ZohoApiBaseUrl = ""; 
        static string ZohoApiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ZohoApiKey"];

        public static bool CreateLead(BLL.SampleLead sl)
            ILog _log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("ZohoCrm/CreateLead");

            XDocument xmlData = new XDocument(
            new XElement("Leads",
                new XElement("row", new XAttribute("no", "1"),
                    new XElement("FL", new XAttribute("val", "Lead Source"), "Trial Signup"),
                    new XElement("FL", new XAttribute("val", "Company"), sl.CompanyName),
                    new XElement("FL", new XAttribute("val", "Last Name"), sl.Name),
                    new XElement("FL", new XAttribute("val", "Email"), sl.EMail)

            string url = string.Format("{0}?authtoken={1}&scope=crmapi&newFormat=1&xmlData={2}", 
				ZohoApiBaseUrl, ZohoApiKey, 

            var http = new HttpClient
                Request = { Accept = HttpContentTypes.ApplicationXml }

            dynamic emptyPost = new ExpandoObject();            
            EasyHttp.Http.HttpResponse response;
                response = http.Post(url, emptyPost, HttpContentTypes.ApplicationXml);
            catch (WebException ex)
                _log.ErrorFormat("Error: WebException - {0}", ex.Message);
                return false;

            if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                _log.InfoFormat("Response = {0} - {1}", response.StatusCode, response.StatusDescription);
                return false;

            XDocument xdoc;
                xdoc = XDocument.Parse(response.RawText);
            catch (XmlException ex)
                _log.ErrorFormat("Error: XmlException parsing API response - {0}", ex.Message);
                return false;

            string msg;
                msg = xdoc.Descendants("result").First().Element("message").Value;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.ErrorFormat("Error: Exception reading from API response - {0}", ex.Message);
                return false;
            if (msg != "Record(s) added successfully")
                _log.InfoFormat("Unexpected XML result: {0}", msg);
                return false;

            return true;

(See also this Gist.)

I’m also using log4net here.  I’m a really big fan of log4net, and I use it in almost all of my projects. I have a pretty standard log.config file I use that sets up a RollingFileAppender, with ten files of 100k each. That’s usually enough to keep a few days or weeks worth of history, depending on the level of logging and the level of activity. And I never have to worry about the log files growing out of control; they just keep rolling over. I think log4net is pretty popular, based on the numbers on their NuGet page.

I try to do a lot of error-handling whenever I’m dealing with a REST API. There are plenty of things that can go wrong. You can see in the code above that I try to trap anything that might throw an exception and log it. I’m never sure if I’m doing this the “right” way. I know some people, when writing a routine like this, would just let the exceptions happen, then have a try/catch around the call to the CreateLead method, and deal with it at a higher level.

ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit bugs

We make fairly extensive use of the AJAX Control Toolkit at work. When I first started at my current job, I wasn’t quite sure about it. In practice, most of the stuff we used seemed a little buggy and kind of kludgey. As I learned more about it, though, I started liking it. When used correctly, it’s quite useful, and holds up well, in terms of cross-browser compatibility and stuff like that.

However, once in a while, I stumble across an annoying bug. The most recent one cropped up after upgrading to a newer version of the ACT on a client site. I’m always a bit leery about upgrading the ACT, since it does often expose bugs that weren’t present in the prior version, and that don’t surface in casual testing.

In this case, we encountered a bug that occurs when you have a ValidationSummary control and a ModalPopupExtender on the same page.

If you Google the problem, you will find multiple mentions of it on StackOverflow and on the ACT bug tracker on CodePlex. The solution, basically, is to inject a script with just a semicolon in it, right after the ValidationSummary. (See here for a simple explanation.)

There are indications that the bug has been fixed, but then other indications that it re-surfaced again later. I can tell you that I was using the latest ASP.NET 3.5 version of the ACT at the time, and it’s definitely still a problem.

I don’t necessarily mind having to use these kinds of workarounds. These days, it’s fairly easy to Google an error message, and find multiple links to your problem on StackOverflow and in CodePlex bug reports, and in various other places. (I’m old enough to remember the days when we didn’t have Google or StackOverflow, so I don’t take these things for granted!) But, I would really like to encourage anyone reading this to please do one little thing for me: If you’re implementing a non-obvious workaround like this in your code, please document it with an explanation and/or a link back to the bug report or StackOverflow page. There’s nothing quite like having to do maintenance programming on a system created by someone else, finding something like this workaround on the page, undocumented, and trying to figure out what the purpose of it was.

I think that this is a problem that plagues many ASP.NET and PHP systems, especially ones that were developed with fairly loose coding standards, no peer review, and that have been around for a few years. There are often oddball workarounds in the JavaScript, CSS, and server-side code that aren’t documented and that are often fragile if tampered with. Every time I have to do maintenance programming on a system like this, I try to leave it looking at least a little bit better than it was when I started. If I can remove some unnecessary workarounds, change some non-obvious variable names to useful ones, and add some comments to explain what’s going on, I try to do that.

Speaking of the ACT, I see that a new version was released this month. Stephen Walther has been doing a lot of work on the ACT lately. This most recent release includes major revisions to (or perhaps a complete rewrite or) the file upload control. Trying to get file upload functionality working nicely on a page that’s doing a lot of tricky async stuff is pretty difficult. I used the older ACT file upload control on a page recently, and it works OK, but it required a few… workarounds. (All of which I tried to document, of course.) I don’t think that this new one will require fewer workarounds, since the basic limitations inherent in doing a file upload from a browser will still exist, but at least it will allow for some nice feedback through HTML5 upload progress events, as mentioned in the blog post.

ASP.NET ListView notes

I jump around between projects a lot, and I often don’t get deep enough into any particular thing to really learn it inside and out. I got a chance to work on a fairly complicated ASP.NET page recently, though, and I picked up a few new things.

The approach I took with this page, since it had a number of independent parts, was to try to keep them isolated and only spin things up when needed. So, in one panel, where I had a ListView, I wanted to get it working without using a declarative data source. This turns out to require a little bit of extra work. I found this article helpful in getting the DataPager working correctly. And this post had the best advice on how to control the visibility of the DataPager.

I think I could probably write up a couple of more posts with hints on the AsyncFileUpload control, but I’ll save those for another day.

Computer Books

After finishing the Drupal 7 book I bought a few weeks ago, I decided, for some reason, to get back to a book that I bought back in April 2010 — Dino Esposito’s “Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX.” I started reading it not long after I bought it, but I put it down after reading the first few chapters and just never got back to it. It’s somewhat out of date now, but it’s still got some useful info in it.

I just finished the chapter on the Ajax Control Toolkit. Now, I’ve been using the ACT a lot at my current job, but it turns out there are several controls and extenders in there that could be pretty useful, and of which I was completely unaware. I’ve tended towards doing client-side stuff with jQuery, like pretty much every other web developer on the planet, but there are times where I think the ACT could have made things easier.

fun with modal popups

At work, we frequently use the ModalPopupExtender from the Ajax Control Toolkit in our projects. I’ve got mixed feelings about this control, and about the ACT in general, but for better or worse, I do use it a lot. I discovered some functionality in the control this week that I was previously unaware of, so I thought I’d write up a blog entry on it, along with some related stuff that I stumbled across.

I needed to attach some JavaScript to the show and hide events for the popup, but wasn’t sure how to do that. It turns out that there are add_shown() and add_hiding() events that you can hook into, as described here. I initially found out about add_shown() at this StackOverflow page.

I then tried to hook up the event in the pageLoad() routine as shown in an example there. What I didn’t realize was that you can only have one pageLoad() function, and there was another one in a master page that was in my hierarchy, so my version didn’t get called. I then found out that I should change both of those to use Sys.Application.add_load() via this SO page.

Then, I followed up by learning a bit about the differences between pageLoad() and $(document).ready() at Encosia, which is one of the best sites out there for figuring out some of the trickier stuff when working with ASP.NET and JavaScript.

P.S. I just noticed that this is post # 1500 on my blog. There’s no real importance to that, but it’s always nice to hit a milestone.


I haven’t posted much code to my blog lately, so I thought I’d pass along some general-purpose C# code that I recently used in a project. I’m working on a system right now where the original author made some, shall we say, interesting decisions about how to store data in SQL. Specifically, he used varchar fields for most of the numeric data. And, in those fields, he sometimes stores the data in decimal format (e.g. “1.5”), sometimes as fractions (e.g. “1 1/2”) and sometimes as explicitly-signed fractions (“+1 1/2”).  I, of course, need to do LOTS of math on these numbers. The decimal fields can be dealt with using good old TryParse and ToString of course, but there’s no obvious parse routine for fractions, nor is there an obvious way to turn a decimal number back into a fraction string.

The internet, of course, provides. Here is a VB.NET function to turn a fraction string into a decimal and there is some C# code to convert a decimal into a fraction string in this thread. I converted the VB.NET to C#, and cleaned both of them up and put them in a utility class.  Here it is:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;

namespace MySuit.MySuitV2.BLL
    public class Utility
        public static decimal FractionToDecimal(string frac)
            // this method should convert a fraction, e.g. "12 1/4" to a decimal, e.g. 12.25.
            // based on
            // TODO: not sure how best to handle exceptions here. (parse errors, div by zero, null/empty string input...)
            decimal rv;
            int numerator, denominator, wholePart = 0;
            int sign = 1;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(frac))
                return 0m;

            // deal with signs
            frac = frac.Trim().TrimStart('+');
            if (frac[0] == '-')
                frac = frac.TrimStart('-');
                sign = -1;
            frac = frac.Trim();

            if (frac.IndexOf("/") > 0)
                if (frac.IndexOf(" ") > 0)
                    wholePart = int.Parse(frac.Substring(0, frac.IndexOf(" ")));
                    frac = frac.Substring(frac.IndexOf(" "));
                numerator = int.Parse(frac.Substring(0, frac.IndexOf("/")));
                denominator = int.Parse(frac.Substring(frac.IndexOf("/") + 1));
                rv = sign * (wholePart + ((decimal)numerator / denominator));
                rv = decimal.Parse(frac);
            return rv;

        public static string DecimalToFractionSigned(decimal value)
            // always put a sign (+/-) in front
            string rv = DecimalToFraction(value);
            if (rv[0] != '-')
                rv = string.Format("+{0}", rv);
            return rv;

        public static string DecimalToFraction(decimal value)
            // taken from here: and modified to work with negative numbers too.

            int sign = 1;
            if (value < 0)
                value = Math.Abs(value);
                sign = -1;

            // get the whole value of the fraction
            decimal mWhole = Math.Truncate(value);

            // get the fractional value
            decimal mFraction = value - mWhole;

            // initialize a numerator and denominator
            uint mNumerator = 0;
            uint mDenominator = 1;

            // ensure that there is actually a fraction
            if (mFraction > 0m)
                // convert the value to a string so that you can count the number of decimal places there are
                string strFraction = mFraction.ToString().Remove(0, 2);

                // store the number of decimal places
                uint intFractLength = (uint)strFraction.Length;

                // set the numerator to have the proper amount of zeros
                mNumerator = (uint)Math.Pow(10, intFractLength);

                // parse the fraction value to an integer that equals [fraction value] * 10^[number of decimal places]
                uint.TryParse(strFraction, out mDenominator);

                // get the greatest common divisor for both numbers
                uint gcd = GreatestCommonDivisor(mDenominator, mNumerator);

                // divide the numerator and the denominator by the greatest common divisor
                mNumerator = mNumerator / gcd;
                mDenominator = mDenominator / gcd;

            // create a string builder
            StringBuilder mBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            // add the whole number if it's greater than 0
            if (mWhole > 0m)

            // add the fraction if it's greater than 0m
            if (mFraction > 0m)
                if (mBuilder.Length > 0)
                    mBuilder.Append(" ");


            if (sign == -1)
                mBuilder.Insert(0, '-');

            return mBuilder.ToString();

        private static uint GreatestCommonDivisor(uint valA, uint valB)
            // return 0 if both values are 0 (no GSD)
            if (valA == 0 && valB == 0)
                return 0;
            // return value b if only a == 0
            else if (valA == 0 && valB != 0)
                return valB;
            // return value a if only b == 0
            else if (valA != 0 && valB == 0)
                return valA;
            // actually find the GSD
                uint first = valA;
                uint second = valB;

                while (first != second)
                    if (first > second)
                        first = first - second;
                        second = second - first;

                return first;


(This is also in a Gist.)
I hope this helps anyone who might be looking for something similar. Also, I want to reiterate that I didn’t write this code from scratch. I took two existing functions, one in VB and one in C#, converted the VB to C#, cleaned them both up a bit, and put them together.

Luckily, by the way, all of the fractions I’m dealing with resolve to simple decimal numbers; everything is x/2, x/4, or x/8. I don’t have to deal with converting 1/3 to decimal and back. If you need to do that, you probably want a class that stores the fractions as numerator and denominator, and does math on them, as fractions.  There are a couple of those out there, if you look around.


I haven’t had much reason, until recently, to start messing around with .NET 4 and C# 4. But I just had to do a bunch of stuff involving REST and JSON, and I found that the new dynamic type was very helpful there. Specifically, I used EasyHttp (available on GitHub), which makes it very easy to consume RESTful web services, and (via JsonFx) serialize and de-serialize JSON.

I know that there are other ways to do all this stuff, but I think EasyHttp and JsonFx work well and are easy to use. With dynamic objects, I don’t have to worry about mapping a JSON result to an explicit .NET class; I can just access those members I need to access and ignore the rest.

a fun project at work

I’m starting a project at work right now that’s going to involve integrating content from a WordPress blog and Picasa Web into an ASP.NET site. I’m a little leery about this, since it seems that this could all be done directly in .Net, and would be more efficient that way, but I’m game to give it a try. It should be fun. (Yeah, I know, now that I’ve said that, I’m doomed.)