So I’m here in San Diego for the con. The trip in was mostly uneventful. No problems, except for spilling my coffee in my lap on the airplane. My hotel is about 5 miles from downtown, right off the freeway. Not very exciting. I’d much rather be downtown, but that’s pretty much impossible these days.
I did decide to leave my laptop home, so I’m typing this on my Bluetooth keyboard, connected to my iPad. It’s working better than the on-screen keyboard, but I’d rather have a real keyboard, rather than this cheap one. Maybe I should get a decent Bluetooth keyboard to use when I’m traveling.
I’m missing preview night this year, but I’m seeing a lot of footage from it on the local news tonight, from here in my hotel room. Comic-Con is getting a lot more TV news coverage than it used to, but that’s not surprising. It’s getting a lot of attention, in general.
I’m pretty tired, since I got up at 5am this morning. I’m going to try to stay up until 8pm, at least, so I can start trying to get on Pacfic time. I want to stay out until at least 10pm tomorrow and Friday.
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