bookmark managers

After my last post on bookmark managers, I set up a Spurl account. I uploaded my bookmarks from my Mac and my PC, but they never appeared in the account. Apparently, they were having some problems with the upload process that day. I uploaded the Mac bookmarks again last night, and they did show up today. I spent some time playing around, and I do like the interface. One of the nice things is that you can organize your bookmarks into folders and tag them. (I think most of the other managers just use tags, no folders.)

This guy’s blog has some stuff about bookmark managers, too, including a link to one service I hadn’t seem before, BlinkList.

Infinite Crisis stuff

I’m still way behind in my comic-book reading, but I did read the trade paperback of The OMAC Project a few days ago, and I’ll probably be reading Day of Vengeance soon. I was just going to steer clear of this whole Infinite Crisis thing, but curiosity got the best of me when I saw the trades on the shelf at Midtown Comics. I’ll probably have to pick up the Infinite Crisis trade too, whenever that comes out. I’m still staying away from buying all the actual comics, though.

Superman Returns

Seeing the Superman Returns trailer yesterday brought back fond memories of the original Superman movie soundtrack. They used the original theme in the trailer; I’m not sure if they’ll be using the original John Williams music in the actual movie or not, but it would sure be nice if they did.

There’s a version of the soundtrack on iTunes by the Royal Scottish Orchestra instead of the LSO, by the way. I haven’t listened to enough of it to know if it’s better or worse than the original LSO version.