I picked up the Stargate SG-1 Season 2 DVDs yesterday at Best Buy, which of course reminded me of Rory Blyth’s Stargate comic. Lot’s of other good stuff on Rory’s blog too.
Category: scifi
Dr Who DVDs
It looks like the current Doctor who series will be available on DVD in February 2006. Kind of pricey though — $100 retail for the set.
Outpost Gallifrey
Lots of stuff about the new Doctor Who show at Outpost Gallifrey. And, of course, the first episode has been leaked to the internet already.
Enterprise axed
No more Enterprise! Darn. I’ve really been enjoying the current season. The addition of Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens to the writing crew has really helped, I think. (Their book Federation is probably my favorite Star Trek novel.)
Star Wars Stuff
N.J. Town Balks As Man Plans Giant ‘Star Wars’ Model
I don’t see any good reason why this guy shouldn’t be allowed to build a giant sandcrawler in his yard.
Both Stargate SG1 and Atlantis have been renewed for another season!
Godzillafest starts this week! Too bad I can’t skip work and fly out to SF for a few days.
Richard Biggs
Somehow, I had completely missed the news that Richard Biggs passed away a couple of weeks ago. He played Dr. Franklin on Babylon 5, if you don’t recognize the name. He was a good actor, and it sounds like he was a nice guy.
Slashdot | New Battlestar Galactica – Worth a Series?
I actually liked the new Galactica. As an ongoing series, I could see it going either way — either falling into cliche and gimmick quickly, or maintaining an interesting storyline with evolving, complex, characters. Who knows?
Star Wait
Star Wait — fun documentary about the Star Wars Ep. 2 line in LA.