still working on it

I just did a few more things with the page. I got a little fancier with the layout on the left column, and I pulled most of the stuff in that column out of the Blogger template, and put it into a couple of SSI files. This way, all that code isn’t repeated in every page, and I don’t need to regen all the pages every time I change something over there. The one slight problem there is that I had to turn on SSI processing for all files. I added “AddHandler server-parsed .html” to the .htaccess file, so all the archive files and individual page files will be passed through the SSI parser. If theory, it’s not a good idea to pass every page through SSI, but it’s probably a worse idea to have a big chunk of the same code in every file. There’s a useful page on this at, by the way.

more CSS fun

I just did some fixup work on the CSS, and I think the blog looks OK in both Firefox and IE now. I know so little about CSS, I really screwed a few things up. For instance, I was under the impression that a pound sign at the beginning of a line worked as a comment. That actually works in Firefox, if only by accident, but in IE, the pound sign is ignored and the line is parsed anyway. Oh well. I think I’ve got things to the point where they’re at least presentable.

CSS and Blogger links

Here are a few of the pages I referenced in re-doing the design on this site:

For CSS Stuff:

  • — some useful layouts.
  • The Layout Reservoir — the design I’m using right now is a variation on their 2-column with left menu design.

    For Blogger template help:

  • Templates
  • Template Walkthrough
  • Template Tag list
  • Template Tags: defined
  • messing around

    I set some stuff up tonight to allow me to easily add Technorati tags to blog entries. I used this Greasemonkey script to mod the Blogger posting page under Firefox 1.5. Not a big deal, but kind of fun.

    I also messed around with some style-related stuff on this page. There’s actually some CSS being used now. No major change, but at least I’m starting to play with CSS.