I haven’t done much recreational programming this year. I had some spare time this week though, so I dove back into F#. I picked back up on F# for C# Developers and Real-World Functional Programming, and made a little progress in both. I started reading F# for C# Developers in April 2014, but put it aside when it didn’t seem like I was really understanding it.
In 2014 & 2015, I managed to read all the way through The Book of F#, which was a lot easier to get through and made more sense to me.
I picked up Real-World Functional Programming in December 2015, and made some progress through it in December and January, but then I put it aside and hadn’t had a chance to get back to it until this week.
So my education in F# has been really hit or miss. I’ll mess around with it for a few months, then drop it for a few months, then come back to it. I haven’t been able to use it for a real project at any point, though I’ve used it to solve a few Project Euler problems. (Speaking of which, I see that the last Euler problem I solved was in April 2015, so I haven’t done one of those in a year.)
F# itself seems to be doing well. This Happy F# Day post from Scott Wlaschin links to a lot of the recent developments in F#, including what he calls the “mainstreaming” of F#. So continuing to learn F# doesn’t seem like a waste of time. I should really find a good practical project to use it on though.