learning C#

I think I’ve finally finished converting my little calculator program from C++ to C#. The last stumbling block was figuring out how to substitute standard input with the contents of a string that had been passed on the command-line. The answer was to declare a TextReader object, then assign it to Console.In when I wanted to read from the console, or a StringReader object when I wanted to read from a string. Easy! (Once you’ve figured out that there’s such a thing as a StringReader object, and that it’s interchangeable with Console.In.)

The Modern Word

I just discovered an interesting book site, The Modern Word, while looking for information about Jorge Luis Borges. Some great Borges quotes there:

“There is no intellectual exercise which is not ultimately useless.”

“The history of the universe…is the handwriting produced by a minor god in order to communicate with a Demon.”

“To die for a religion is easier than to live it absolutely.”

Just great, great, stuff.