Right after I posted my last message, I started getting a sore throat. I barely got any sleep Tuesday night, then woke up Wednesday feeling horrible! Flu, I think. I took Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off from work, and I only worked a half-day today. And I had only been over my cold for about a week. I think I’m going to forget about any lofty goals I might have had for this year, and just shoot for staying healthy for more than a week at a time.
As long as I had so much time to myself, I got started with my FF 51-100 project mentioned below. I’ve got 4 issues in my hands now, another 7 on the way, and a few still waiting to see if I win them on eBay. I’ve also got the Marvel Masterworks volume with FF 1-10 on the way. I figure I can get 1-50 through Masterworks volumes, and get the original issues for 51-100. I’m trying to stay below $10/issue, and I’m doing OK on that so far, getting good reading copies. I’m hoping some of the old Masterworks volumes get reprinted at some point, since they seem to be going for anywhere from $40 to $100, or even more in some cases. It would be nice if I could pick them up for cover price.