Just finished reading issues 1-4 of Rob Hanes Adventures. Good stuff, reminiscent of Milton Caniff or Alex Toth. A web site I was looking at a while ago described it as “Jonny Quest, all grown up and packing heat.” Fair enough. Published by WCG Comics. Their web site seems to be done right now, unfortunately.
Author: Andrew Huey
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
I caught a cold Friday, so I’ve just been taking it easy all weekend, drinking orange juice and reading comics. I read the Planetary Vol. 2 hardcover yesterday, and Tim Truman’s Black Lamb series today. Both were excellent.
I found all six issues of Black Lamb in somebody’s dollar box at a convention in NYC a few months ago. I don’t recall seeing any mention of this series when it first came out. Typical good Tim Truman stuff. I would have completely missed it if I hadn’t stumbled across it in that box!
Probably time to take some NyQuil and get off to bed now.
pocket coffee
It’s my birthday.
Well, today’s my 35th birthday. Relatively good day so far. Thai for lunch. Nice pastrami sandwich for dinner. Star Trek tonight. A little Stravinsky on the stereo right now. What could be better? 🙂
Good day yesterday
Good day yesterday: The family came up for my birthday, and for the Somerville St. Patrick’s Day parade. I got a Mr. Bill DVD! Oh no!
Felt like crap today, though, for some reason. Too much corned beef, maybe?
Radio UserLand
My Radio UserLand page is here. I’m not sure if I’ll keep it or not. I’m still trying to figure out what it’s good for, outside of blogging, which Blogger does just as well. A lot of people seem to think it’s cool.
Oh well, Yahoo is going to discontinue FTP access to free GeoCities sites soon. Time to start looking around for something better…
Haven’t blogged in a while. Sorry!
PalmSource was good. Learned a lot. I still haven’t actually written any useful Palm programs yet, but at least I’ve gotten past the “Hello World” stage. I picked up a new i705 while I was out there. It’s pretty neat.
Things I like: rechargeable battery, always-on email, 8MB RAM, SD card slot.
Things I’m not thrilled about: still the same old monochrome screen!
Escaflowne and Metropolis
Saw Escaflowne and Metropolis today! Both good, Metropolis better than Escaflowne. Amazing soundtrack on Metropolis, too.
Off to San Jose Monday for PalmSource.