I mentioned yesterday that I missed out on the big Michelangelo exhibit at the Met, which closed a few days ago. I’d only gotten around to reading the NY Times review of the show (from November) yesterday. I was reading another old email from November this morning, and saw a mention of the JoCo Cruise for 2018. I’ve always heard good things about past JoCo cruises, so I thought I’d check the website and see when this year’s cruise was going to be. Well, it’s February 18 to 25. So it’s too late for that too.
The Michelangelo exhibit was likely a “once in a lifetime” thing; JoCo Cruise is once a year. But there’s one other story from November that I just read that, sadly, keeps coming up over and over again: mass shootings. I was reading some comics from The Nib from back in November about shootings and the lack of any reasonable gun control in the US.
I did a little searching to see if I could figure out which mass shooting had happened in mid-November 2017, and I actually found two. On November 15, 2017, a man went on a shooting rampage in California (including going through an elementary school, which was thankfully on lockdown when he got there). On November 5, a man attacked a Texas church, killing more than 25 people.
And two days ago, we had another school shooting in Florida. So the cartoons from The Nib about the political inaction on gun control are just as current today as they were in November. In fact, I also came across a piece in the Times by Nicholas Kristof about how to reduce shootings that was written in November, but has just been updated. (It’s a very good article, by the way. Well-written and well-reasoned. And, sadly, I doubt it required much updating since November, since little has changed, except for more shootings.)
And every time this happens, The Onion re-posts a slightly modified version of their story ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.