I’ve got today off from work, because it’s President’s Day. (We’re not actually closed, but we get a floating holiday that can be used today.) And it’s a nice day out. So of course I decided to stay in and get my taxes done.
I’ve been using an accountant for the last several years, but I’ve been feeling kind of silly doing that, since my taxes really aren’t that complicated. So I decided to go back to using tax software this year. The last time I did my own taxes was in 2011 (for my 2010 taxes), and I used TurboTax that year. Prior to that, I’d used TaxCut every year from 2001 to 2009. I decided to go back to TaxCut this year, though now it’s just called H&R Block Tax Software. I bought it for $30 from Amazon, with free Federal e-file, and paid another $20 for NJ e-file. I paid my accountant more than $500 last year, so $50 total is a big difference.
The H&R Block software is still quite similar to what I remember from the last time I used it. One new option is the ability to download some tax documents rather than enter them. This option worked with my W-2 and my 1099-DIV, so that was nice. Overall, it was quite easy. I’m likely to stick with the H&R Block software for the next few years at least, assuming there’s no big changes in my life that complicate my tax situation.