Drush on Windows and Mac

Yes, this is another post about Drupal. I just feel like I need to write some of this stuff down as I figure it out, for my own reference if nothing else. I recently got Drush working on both my work PC and my Mac.

Surprisingly, it was a lot easier to get working under Windows than under Mac OS X. The Windows setup is mostly accomplished by just running this installer. The main MSI file up on the site right now is dated 6/4/12, so it’s up to date. The only thing I changed was to edit the path settings post-install to put my existing copy of PHP in my path, so Drush could find it.

On the Mac, I wanted to follow the recommendation on the main Drush page to do the install via Pear. I did not have Pear set up on my Mac, though, so I needed to figure that out first. That’s not hard to do under 10.7, as described in this blog post. I then had a couple of permission problems to work through, but after taking care of those, I seem to have a working Drush install.

I also needed to do a little follow-up work to add /usr/local/mysql/bin to my path, to get archive-dump to work. I’m not sure why I hadn’t added that to my path when I installed MySQL back in December. (I was amused, by the way, to see that the last edit to my .bash_profile was from back in 2005. Apparently, I was trying to get gpg working. Also, apparently, .bash_profile gets pulled along when you migrate to a new Mac, since my current MacBook isn’t quite that old.)

I intend to write a post soon on how I’m running a PHP script under Drush to import data into Drupal, but i don’t think I’m going to write that up today.

Drupal 7 Development

I’m continuing my somewhat slow attempt to become a Drupal expert. After finishing up a couple of general Drupal books from Packt, I started “Drupal 7 Module Development,” also from Packt. I got up to chapter four, then put it down in frustration. I’ll likely pick it up again, but it’s not an easy book to read straight through, with little prior Drupal dev experience.

So, then I picked up “Pro Drupal 7 for Windows Developers,” and I’m doing much better with that one. I just finished chapter 5, which walks you through the creation of a simple, but non-trivial, module. I found it fairly easy to follow, and a good start. The book is (obviously) written for Windows programmers looking to learn Drupal, specifically ASP.NET developers, so it’s a good fit for me.

There’s still a lot more to learn. Drupal’s API and hook system are fairly complex and extensive. But I think I’m on the right path.


Since I’m doing more and more PHP development, I’ve been spending a bit of time trying to figure out if I can put together a decent development and debugging environment. Up until now, I’ve just been using Notepad++ (on the PC) and TextMate (on the Mac).

I’ve switched over to Komodo Edit on both platforms now, and that works pretty well. To do debugging, you need to spend $300 on Komodo IDE. But Komodo Edit does a lot, including auto-completion, syntax checking, and the ability to drill down into function definitions.

I like the idea of having a debugger, of course, so I decided to explore a couple of free IDEs that would support that. Netbeans looks nice, but it’s pretty heavy. Eclipse PDT is a bit better, but still kind of bloated. I think I may have to spend the $300 on Komodo IDE.


I put AdSense on my blog about two years ago. I haven’t really been looking at it very often, but I just took a look, and I’m now up to $2.99 in earnings. It looks like Google doesn’t pay out until you reach $100, if I understand their chart correctly, so I guess I won’t actually see any money from them until about 50 years from now, if my current rate of earning remains constant. In terms of hits, I’m averaging about a dozen per day, most of which are probably bots.

Of course, my intention with this blog is not to make money. I recently started reading John Scalzi’s Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded, a collection of some of his blog posts, so this has gotten me to thinking a bit about the purpose of keeping up a blog. I’ve been blogging for longer than most people (since 2001), and I’ve been doing it with some consistency. My purpose has been, variously: to make note of certain events in my life, for future reference; to post information that may be helpful for anyone who happens to stumble across it; and to, in general, have an online “home” where people can find me and see a bit of what I’ve been up to.

Other sites have popped up to assume some of these roles of course. Facebook is the online “home” for most people, where their friends can find them and keep up with them, and where they can post photos, funny links, and whatnot. StackOverflow, Code Project, and similar sites offer a way for a programmer to give back to the community by posting useful information and sharing code. But I still think it’s a good idea to keep a blog going, especially when you’ve already been doing it for so long.

ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit bugs

We make fairly extensive use of the AJAX Control Toolkit at work. When I first started at my current job, I wasn’t quite sure about it. In practice, most of the stuff we used seemed a little buggy and kind of kludgey. As I learned more about it, though, I started liking it. When used correctly, it’s quite useful, and holds up well, in terms of cross-browser compatibility and stuff like that.

However, once in a while, I stumble across an annoying bug. The most recent one cropped up after upgrading to a newer version of the ACT on a client site. I’m always a bit leery about upgrading the ACT, since it does often expose bugs that weren’t present in the prior version, and that don’t surface in casual testing.

In this case, we encountered a bug that occurs when you have a ValidationSummary control and a ModalPopupExtender on the same page.

If you Google the problem, you will find multiple mentions of it on StackOverflow and on the ACT bug tracker on CodePlex. The solution, basically, is to inject a script with just a semicolon in it, right after the ValidationSummary. (See here for a simple explanation.)

There are indications that the bug has been fixed, but then other indications that it re-surfaced again later. I can tell you that I was using the latest ASP.NET 3.5 version of the ACT at the time, and it’s definitely still a problem.

I don’t necessarily mind having to use these kinds of workarounds. These days, it’s fairly easy to Google an error message, and find multiple links to your problem on StackOverflow and in CodePlex bug reports, and in various other places. (I’m old enough to remember the days when we didn’t have Google or StackOverflow, so I don’t take these things for granted!) But, I would really like to encourage anyone reading this to please do one little thing for me: If you’re implementing a non-obvious workaround like this in your code, please document it with an explanation and/or a link back to the bug report or StackOverflow page. There’s nothing quite like having to do maintenance programming on a system created by someone else, finding something like this workaround on the page, undocumented, and trying to figure out what the purpose of it was.

I think that this is a problem that plagues many ASP.NET and PHP systems, especially ones that were developed with fairly loose coding standards, no peer review, and that have been around for a few years. There are often oddball workarounds in the JavaScript, CSS, and server-side code that aren’t documented and that are often fragile if tampered with. Every time I have to do maintenance programming on a system like this, I try to leave it looking at least a little bit better than it was when I started. If I can remove some unnecessary workarounds, change some non-obvious variable names to useful ones, and add some comments to explain what’s going on, I try to do that.

Speaking of the ACT, I see that a new version was released this month. Stephen Walther has been doing a lot of work on the ACT lately. This most recent release includes major revisions to (or perhaps a complete rewrite or) the file upload control. Trying to get file upload functionality working nicely on a page that’s doing a lot of tricky async stuff is pretty difficult. I used the older ACT file upload control on a page recently, and it works OK, but it required a few… workarounds. (All of which I tried to document, of course.) I don’t think that this new one will require fewer workarounds, since the basic limitations inherent in doing a file upload from a browser will still exist, but at least it will allow for some nice feedback through HTML5 upload progress events, as mentioned in the blog post.

Motion Sickness of Time Travel

Found this person’s music via Warren Ellis’ blog. Here’s a link to all her stuff that’s on SoundCloud. And this is also good. And I might as well embed something:

Drupal 7 on Windows

I have a fairly reasonable “WIMP” stack (Windows, IIS, MySQL, PHP) running on my work machine now, and I wanted to document how I got there, for future reference, or for anyone who might stumble across this blog post. My setup has evolved over time, so I’m not 100% sure if these instructions would work exactly right from scratch.

There are some ways to get a Drupal-compatible “WAMP” stack (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) running on Windows pretty quickly, but most of the stuff you really need to do in Drupal works OK in IIS. And I think that the approach I outline below gives you the most flexibility in terms of also using the components for stuff other than Drupal.

In these instructions, I’m creating a Drupal site named “drupal-7-test”, but it doesn’t really matter what you call it.

  1. Get Web Platform Installer from http://www.microsoft.com/web/platform/.
  2. Use Web Platform Installer to install “IIS 7 Recommended Configuration.” You may also need to install URL Rewrite if you don’t already have it.
  3. Install MySQL via the MySQL Installer for Windows. (Do not use Web PI.) Select “developer default” to get the MySQL Server, Workbench, and a few other useful things. For configuration, select “developer machine.”
  4. Install PHP 5.3.x from http://www.microsoft.com/web/platform/phponwindows.aspx with Web PI. (This will pull in a few other necessary components.) (Do not install the PHP for WebMatrix — click the link on the above page.) (Oh, and the page still says “PHP 5.3.5,” though the actual installer has been updated to a more recent version.)
  5. In IIS Manager, go to “default web site” and click “PHP Manager”. Make a note of the location of the config file and the error log. Click “configure error reporting” and select “Development machine”. Click Apply.
  6. Get phpMyAdmin from http://www.phpmyadmin.net and unzip it to c:inetpubwwwrootphpmyadmin. Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin and run through the setup.
  7. In phpMyAdmin, create a user named “drupal_7_test”. Click the checkbox to also create a database of the same name, and give that user all rights to it.
  8. Get Drupal 7 from http://drupal.org/download and unzip it to c:inetpubwwwrootdrupal-7-test. (The standard Drupal 7 download includes a web.config that enables clean URLs for IIS, given the MS IIS Rewrite module.)
  9. Give IIS_IUSRS modify rights to sites/default/files.
  10. Go to http://localhost/drupal-7-test and run through the setup. Use the MySQL database & user created earlier.
  11. Go to the status report in the Drupal admin and check that everything is working OK.

Random follow-up notes
It’s June 10, and I’m setting up a WIMP environment on my ThinkPad. I’ve also recently set up a WIMP environment on my new work desktop, so I’ve got a few follow-up notes on this post.

  • You may need to enable CGI on your machine, if it’s not already enabled, to get PHP working. See here for details.
  • As an alternative to the full MySQL installer I linked to above, you can also use the stripped-down version that can be found here.