Magic Notes

Lots of computer trouble today, all of which boiled down to one bad application and its apparently corrupt data file. I had been using Magic Notes to keep some sticky notes on my desktop. It’s been working fine, but apparently the data file that holds the notes got messed up bad enough for the program to crash, taking the entire system with it. Since this was happening while the sytem was booting, I had to do a “process of elimination” thing to narrow it down to Magic Notes. I don’t think I’ll be relying on this program anymore, since I really don’t like the idea of a simple utility program that can take out the whole system so readily, nor do I like the idea that the data file is not in an easily-recoverable format.

Oh well. I went through the process of finding a decent sticky note program about a year ago, and now I need to do it again. Maybe this time I’ll find something a little more reliable.

Big Apple Anime Fest

I spent most of the weekend at Big Apple Anime Fest. One of the best moments from the con would have to be meeting Ken Knudtsen and getting a copy of My Monkey’s Name is Jennifer from him, in which he wrote “andy, hurray for huey lewis and the news! — jennifer the monkey”. I was a little confused about this for a moment, since I hadn’t mentioned my last name, but then I realized it was written on the badge around my neck. Duh.

I caught a couple of the movies they premiered, and I have to say that Tokyo Godfathers is definitely worth seeing, as is anything from Satoshi Kon. A Tree of Palme, on the other hand, was visually interesting, but didn’t really hold my attention for its two-hour-plus running time. It was just a little too out there.