
Yikes! My brother and his wife are on a diet. I’ve been fairly stable lately, not expanding or contracting, but I could sure stand to lose a few pounds. There have been a lot of goodies in work lately, though, and nothing resolves stress quite like a doughnut. I could probably lose a lot of weight if I could just retire from work, and spend all day reading comics.

old cards

I’ve been putting old Christmas and birthday cards into a big pile for the last 10 years or so. Well, the pile has finally gotten big enough that I need to throw some away. I expected I would just be able to go through the cards and throw out most of the old ones, just saving a few that were interesting, or touching, or funny. It turns out that there were quite a few little memories in that pile. At the risk of embarrassing a few people, here are some quotes:

From a birthday card from 1995, from my Aunt Janet:

“Sorry this is so late. I always remember you coming home from the hospital with that little green cap on your head for St. Patrick’s Day, and think that is your birthday.”

From Mom & Dad’s birthday card, probably the same year:

Don’t send any more payments on the Tercel.” (Thanks!)

A Christmas card from 1994:

“About 12 years ago, I considered you to be garbage. Now, you’re one of my best friends. Food for thought, for both of us.” (I won’t mention who this was from!)

Hey, I just reached the bottom of the pile, and I remembered why I was looking through it in the first place! I was looking for a picture from my old roomie Rob’s wedding. I scanned it in quite a few years ago on my old black & white scanner, and put it up on the web page. It’s still here, and it looks like crap! I wanted to scan it in again, in color this time. Lo and behold, there it was, at the very bottom of the pile. And here it is, in color now!