Some stuff to report from the con:
– Good presentation on the Lord of the Rings movie from the guys at
– Interesting stuff on the next Star Wars movie from Steve Sansweet of Lucasfilm. There’s an article about the “Star Wars: Connections” presentation on Also, there are a few other con-related articles at the site.
– Samurai Jack ought to be really cool. The folks from Cartoon Network showed the movie which kicks off the series. Pretty strange for a regular, commercial TV show. Long sequences were almost entirely wordless. It has a very odd style to it. I’m looking forward to it.
Month: July 2001
back from LA and San Diego
I never got around to hooking up the laptop in San Diego, so obviously there were no Blogger posts from the con. Sorry!
I had a great time, both in LA and San Diego. Besides the wedding in LA, I also hit Disneyland while I was out there. That was actually more fun than I expected.
Ankur’s Wedding
Here’s some pictures from Ankur’s Wedding. Enjoy.
I’ve been real busy lately getting ready for my trip to California. My first stop is going to be in the LA area, then I’ll be heading for San Diego and the wonderful Comic-Con! If I have time, maybe I’ll post updates from San Diego. If not, then I’ll be incommunicado for a while.
Exploding Dog
Do I have a link to Exploding Dog on this site anywhere? If not, then I really need one. Some of these are real gems. Simple, but effective.