Text Editors

I spent some time looking at text editors tonight. I’m currently using an old version of Multi-Edit for most of the work that isn’t done directly in Visual Studio, PowerBuilder, or dbArtisan. (Which isn’t much really, but it’s still enough to worry about.) My only real beef with Multi-Edit is that it doesn’t have Unicode support. I was hoping that the newest version (9.10) of Multi-Edit would support Unicode, but it looks like that’s not going to happen until version 10.

Crimson Editor has Unicode support, and also supports a lot of languages (for syntax highlighting). It also has support for macros and column-mode editing, which are both essential.

UltraEdit looks interesting too. It’s got Unicode support, syntax highlighting, column mode, and macros. It doesn’t appear to support as many different languages as Crimson, though.

And of course, there’s always emacs. I’ve always wanted to learn emacs. Right now, I just know enough to get in, do some fundamental editing, and get out. A deep understanding of emacs is something I could actually put on my resume.

Illustrated History of Union County

I noticed something interesting in the Westfield catalog this month: An Illustrated History of Union County, by Frank Thorne. There are some sample pages here. Based on this message, it appears that this strip was originally published in the Daily Journal back in 1951. As a former Union County resident, and Frank Thorne fan, I think I’ll need to pick this up. Actually, I may need to pick up a few copies and send them off to other former Union County residents, too.