Meditation progress update

I’ve been doing pretty good with meditation since my last update. I’ve been meditating for about 10 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week, usually with just the plain timer from Insight Timer. I’ve tried a few guided meditations, but haven’t found any new good ones, really. I was feeling pretty good about this, but then I saw the Kickstarter for The Every Day Calendar by Simone Giertz. In the intro video, she mentions that she meditated every day for a year, except for the day she went in for brain surgery. So, heck, if she can meditate every day while dealing with a brain tumor, I should probably be able to meditate every day while dealing with my significantly less serious life problems.

Her Every Day Calendar is pretty cool, but I don’t think I want to spend $300 on it. I’ll stick with tracking stuff on my iPhone. But I have a lot of respect for her, both for making cool things and for handling her brain tumor so well. I’d be a mess if I had to deal with that. (Heck, I’ve been dealing with a relatively minor car problem for the last three weeks, and that’s almost broken me.)

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