base 36 conversion

I haven’t posted any code on here in a while, so here’s a quick little bit of code that might be useful to somebody. I had to write some code this week to do conversion from base 10 to base 36 and back, in Dynamics AX. So I just took some simple code from the Wikipedia article on base 36 and converted it to X++. Nothing fancy. The code below is all in a job, but I’ll probably put it in a utility class when I actually implement it.

static void AjhBase36Test(Args _args)
    // ajh 2014-05-07: 611.23
    // adapted from
    // note: handles non-negative integers only.

    int64 base36_decode(str base36_input)
        int64 result = 0;
        real pow = 0;
        int i, pos;
        str c;

        for (i = strLen(base36_input); i > 0; i--)
            c = subStr(base36_input, i, 1);
            pos = strScan(#CLIST, c, 1, #NBASE) - 1;
            if (pos == -1)
                return pos;  // error
            result += pos * power(#NBASE, pow);
        return result;
    str base36_encode(int64 input_num)
        int64 work_num = input_num;
        str result = "";
        int digitidx;
        str c;

        do {
            digitidx = int642int(work_num mod #NBASE);
            c = subStr(#CLIST, digitidx + 1, 1);
            result += c;
            work_num = work_num div #NBASE;
        } while (work_num > 0);
        return strReverse(result);

    print base36_decode("");
    print base36_decode("0");
    print base36_decode("A"); // 10
    print base36_decode("7PS"); // 10,000
    print base36_decode("255S"); // 100,000
    print base36_decode("!@#$"); // error
    print base36_encode(0);
    print base36_encode(123);
    print base36_encode(10000);
    print base36_encode(100000);

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